
AVID Technical Resources Requirement Form

* Denotes required fields
Date:* Start Date:*
Company:* Number of Openings:*
Phone:* Location:*
Email:* Hiring Manager:*
Job Title:*
How long has this position been open?*
Is this a permanent position?*  Yes No
If permanent, what is the target salary range for this position?
If this is a contract position, what is the expected duration of the assignment?
What is the target bill rate for this position? $
Is there any opportunity for the contract to go permanent?  Yes No
Do you anticipate any overtime?  Yes No
Job Description:*
If I find someone who is perfect but exceeds the target bill rate, do you still want to consider him / her?  Yes No
Is there anyone who has worked for you in the past who you would want back? *
From which specific companies would you like a candidate to have had experience? *
Is this req approved through:  HR Purchasing Not Approved Yet
Have you called any other contracting firms?  HR Purchasing Not Approved Yet
If no, would you please give us a 24-hour exclusive on this req?  HR Purchasing Not Approved Yet