IT recruiters can often give IT contractors direct feedback on why they don’t get IT jobs, but sometimes the reason is more nebulous. Technical recruiters may not even hear from the company about these reasons, but sometimes companies will disqualify a candidate for things that are hard or awkward to explain. While IT staffing firms can prepare you for the basic requirements of IT job interviews, only you can try to prevent yourself from disqualification for one of these reasons.
You were desperate. If you reek of desperation, interviewers will unfortunately be turned off and question whether you could do a great job. This is a hard thing for IT recruiting companies to help candidates avoid, but you can do a few things on your own to mitigate coming off as desperate. Try relaxing and focusing only on the questions at hand. Make sure to take a breath before you speak and speak slightly slower than you may normally. Most people speak quickly when they’re nervous. Lastly, if you’re feeling desperate, try to hold yourself back a bit and really edit what you say or do. Showing enthusiasm is fine and IT staffing companies certainly want you to look interested in the job. However, you want to avoid seeming like you think the job is too good for you. Your interviewer will pick up on this and wonder the same thing!
You weren’t likeable. Again, this is hard thing to even begin to qualify, let alone for IT recruiting firms to help you avoid. But, you can do a few things to make yourself more likeable. Smile, try to relax, and engage in small talk if your interviewer does. Hold back any possibly controversial opinions, stories, or speech. Offending your interviewer is the easiest way to destroy your image as likeable.
You smelled or looked odd. This seems like a small thing, but it really is important. IT staffing agencies will likely not be able to tell you that you smell, but this is something to think about before you go to the interview. Make sure to shower and avoid wearing any strong cologne or perfume. Sometimes people are allergic , or simply don’t like these things. Wear clothes that are conventional for the industry. Check in with your IT recruiting agencies if you’re unsure, but usually a simple, conservative suit that fits well will work. Bright colors or patters aren’t your best bet here.
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