Tips For Better Research Before Your IT Job Interviews
You’ve probably already heard from your IT recruiters that you need to research a company before going to interview for IT jobs there. Besides brushing up on relevant technologies and skills for the role, any IT staffing firms will tell you that knowing about the company is the most imperative part of interview prep. If you really want to stand out, though, you need to direct your research in a more targeted way than simply Googling the company. Here are 2 ways that IT recruiting companies would suggest you approach your research.
1. Look for what the company is proud of. Your first step here may be just asking your technical recruiters if they can list anything for you, as they know the client best. Next, check the company’s website for a press or awards page. If they don’t have anything like this, be sure to Google the company to see if they’ve been honored or achieved anything impressive. Being able to rattle off some of the company’s recent achievements or awards will help build a nice rapport with your interviewer because it gives them a moment to feel positive—and perhaps direct some of the positivity towards you! Additionally, knowing this information shows that you’re knowledgeable about the company. If you think it will sound natural, try to note some of these points in speaking about why you want to work with the company.
2. Look for information about the company’s competitors or industry. Plenty of IT staffing agencies work with candidates who research the company itself. You can set yourself apart by extending beyond this view to a bigger picture. Are there major issues in this company’s industry? Interesting new technologies that competitors are using? If you can find a way to briefly mention this kind of information in your interview, your IT recruiting firms are likely to hear some great feedback about you.