The Golden Rule for Success in Your IT Jobs
So you’ve worked with some IT recruiters and IT staffing agencies to land your dream job. How do you excel at your new gig so your boss and coworkers notice and IT staffing companies fight other IT recruiting companies to place you for your next IT jobs? There are a lot of ways to ensure success, but there is one golden rule everyone should try to follow: Bring your boss solutions, not problems.
How can you do this? Make sure you think one step beyond issues that arise or you’re concerned will arise. IT recruiting firms have an easy time placing the kind of employee who not only notices a problem, but can then anticipate for his boss what some possible solutions would be for it. Employees who make solutions, not just identifying problems, their focus are easy to manage and work with. These are the kind of people IT recruiting companies get requests for—employees that make life easier for their teammates and bosses. Take a shot at this the next time you spot a problem—you’ll be surprised at how well this habit will impact your job performance and career.
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AVID (Applications, Voice, Internet, Data) Technical Resources is a leading Information Technology recruiting company. Specializing in placing contract and permanent personnel in both Infrastructure Support and Applications Development positions, AVID has a national presence supporting clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies.
Headquartered in Boston, MA, AVID has achieved tremendous growth since the firm's inception in 2003. This has triggered numerous national awards and recognition, such as being named to Inc. 500 Magazine's list of 5,000 Fastest Growing Privately-held Companies in the US in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Additionally, the firm boasts of having more than 100 five-star reviews on Google from clients and candidates who rave about their experience and interaction with the firm's recruiters.
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