Nail your Skype IT Job Interviews
More and more IT recruiters and IT staffing agencies these days are able to offer their job candidates skype (or similar technologies) interviews. If your technical recruiters or IT recruiting firms set up a skype interview for you, here are some tips to make sure you get offered the IT jobs.
- Start by scheduling the interview a day and time when you can be fully prepared. Your IT staffing companies and IT recruiting agencies want you to succeed in your interviews. So they’ll understand when you ask them to help you schedule the interview for a day and time when you’ll be able to do the interview with a secure internet connection, have a clean, quiet, and appropriate location to do it in, and be able to wear interview-appropriate clothing.
- Make sure you practice interviewing with the technology you’ll be using ahead of time. It’s not enough to simply practice interviewing. You want to know how you come across and what it feels like to use this technology. You also want to know how to use it so you can easily set it up the day of the interview.
- Lastly, it may seem obviously, but remember that this interview is just as serious as an in-person interview. It could be easy to forget this because you’re at home, but don’t! Stay professional and keep your head in the game—your IT recruiting companies will really appreciate it and so will your interviewers!
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AVID (Applications, Voice, Internet, Data) Technical Resources is a leading Information Technology recruiting company. Specializing in placing contract and permanent personnel in both Infrastructure Support and Applications Development positions, AVID has a national presence supporting clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies.
Headquartered in Boston, MA, AVID has achieved tremendous growth since the firm's inception in 2003. This has triggered numerous national awards and recognition, such as being named to Inc. 500 Magazine's list of 5,000 Fastest Growing Privately-held Companies in the US in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Additionally, the firm boasts of having more than 100 five-star reviews on Google from clients and candidates who rave about their experience and interaction with the firm's recruiters.
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