Tag Archives: hiring managers

Should Pets Be Allowed at IT Recruiting Companies?

When an IT recruiter leaves home to go to work, do they feel guilty about leaving their pet at home?  Do they think about what their buddy is doing or what trouble it is causing throughout the day?  Some technical recruiters wish they could have their furry companion by their side and, according to APPMA and St. Petersburg Times, nearly twenty percent of companies allow dogs and cats in the office as business become more lenient on animal policies. Before IT recruiting firms follow suit, here are some thoughts to consider.

The Pros

Bringing pets to work has been linked to improving workers’ moods and performance.  Employees are less likely to be absent and productivity levels increase with more satisfying working conditions.  Pets in IT recruiting offices allow bonding between co-workers who share a love for animals and bring out different personalities of a technical recruiter from the everyday office life.

The Cons

Unfortunately, not everyone is an animal lover.  Those who choose to bring their pet to work must be mindful of other IT recruiters.  Some employees might find animals in the office to be unsanitary or distracting while others might feel uncomfortable.  Managers must be weary of potential damage and accidents that could occur while pets are exposed to the office as they pose a liability.  Also, bringing a pet to work might create a domino effect and cross the line, for example an employee brings his dog , the next a cat, and the next a bird.  Most importantly, what would hiring managers or prospective candidates think if they came to an IT staffing office and there were animals running around?


When you choose to bring your dog or cat to work, always check with co-workers beforehand and let others know the office will have a guest.  Make sure your pet is completely housebroken, trained, and healthy, especially if it will be around other animals.  If you find your work is being distracted by your friend, you might want to consider leaving him at home next time.  Flipside if you are being distracted by a co-workers dog or have allergies, speak up before the problem escalates.

IT Staffing Firms Enjoy Apple Treats

October 21st is a festival called Apple Day for residents of the United Kingdom.  Over here in New England, everyday can be Apple Day in the fall.  Rinse off those apples you picked a few weeks ago and get ready to bake for your IT recruiting office!

The Baked Goods

Most IT staffing agencies have a designated baker along with a clan of voluntary eaters.  If you have a surplus of apples, go with classic favorites such as apple pie or apple crisp.  Want to really win over IT recruiters?  Bring in a gallon of vanilla ice cream to go with the warm treat.

If you are concerned about temperature sensitive dishes, bake an apple strudel or bread.  When making bread and muffins, substitute apple sauce for any oil to cut down on fat and extra calories.  Cookies and muffins are also excellent solutions in terms of portion control and serving sizes for the diet conscious IT headhunter.

The Treats

Almost all candidates and patrons of IT staffing firms cannot turn down candy apples.  Whether you dip them on a Friday night with your family or socializing with friends, making caramel apples is a fun and filling process.  After dipping the apples, consider rolling the apples in chopped nuts for added protein and a crunchy kick.  If you are daring, drench the dried caramel apples in chocolate and roll in crushed candy, cookies, or brown cinnamon sugar for an over the top dessert.

In addition to homemade applesauce, consider making some fresh apple jam or butter for technical recruiters.  You can also give the jars as small thank you gifts for hiring managers or those who help you and make your time enjoyable at IT recruiting agencies.

Go Raw

Apples do not always need to be all dressed up in sugar or baked into sweets.  Bring in some fresh apples at your IT recruiting company for a healthy treat.  Studies have shown that just one apple a day can help with cholesterol and weight management as well as diabetes prevention.

Recruiters deserve a break after working hard sifting through resumes and setting up IT job interviews.  Suddenly the fall just got sweeter for IT recruiting firms!

IT Recruiting Tips: When You are Caught in a Lie

Technical recruiters search the web for candidates from sites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and LinkedIn.  When the resume of a prospective candidate catches their eye, they add it to their database and try to contact him for IT jobs.  If an IT recruiter found out a contractor’s resume was falsified and skills were exaggerated, would he give the IT professional a second chance?  The answer is typically no, but some IT recruiters may be more understanding.  If you are lucky enough to find these rare recruiters, here is how to make penance…

Admit Your Fault

Covering a lie with another lie is a slippery slope that should be avoided at all costs.  Come clean to your technical recruiter by admitting your faults and taking responsibilities for your actions and its outcome.  Explain why you lied and the truth.  It might be difficult to admit you were wrong, but IT recruiting companies will respect you for owning up to your mistake.

Take the Next Step

Apologize to the IT staffing agency and all parties involved.  If your recruiter is still willing to work with you, send over a corrected resume with the accurate dates of employment and your skills.  When you apply for other positions in the future, explain your gaps of employment or your level of skill so technical recruiting companies and hiring managers are not mislead.

Don’ts of Lying

Never justify deceit with dishonesty because you will lose track of your deception and truths.  Also, never blame others for your lies.  Only you can control your actions and by blaming another party you are showing IT staffing companies that you have no responsibility.

Remember that you can always prevent the effects of a lie by starting with the truth!

IT Staffing Firms: The Best Friend of Candidates and Companies

Saves Time and Patience

IT recruiting companies save hiring companies the time and effort in researching applicants for IT jobs.  Without the hassle of sifting through resumes and weeding out candidates, human resources can refocus their attention to other areas.  Recruiters also help the company and applicants negotiate rates and contracts which might be sensitive topics for both parties.

Working with technical recruiters provides candidates with a direct contact for honest feedback and thorough interviewing schedule.  Applicants may feel more confident working with IT staffing companies because recruiters can offer tips and suggestions while also providing a source to hiring manages.  If an interview does not go well or a job is not a good fit, the recruiter can also make suggestions and recommend an applicant for other positions.

Saves Money

Because human resources will not need to concern themselves with the hiring process, the company can spend the allocated budget on other divisions within business.  Companies will not incur overhead expenses related to contacting prospective candidates such as technology and benefits to support IT contractors or technical staffing firms.  If the hiring company is successful with IT recruiting agencies, they will continue to utilize their services and save money long term.

Better Results

IT recruiters are specialized to seek out the most qualified candidates for their open positions.  They have been trained to ask all the right questions while finding those with the most relevant experience.  Human resources generally works alongside departments to find the best fit, but both HR and IT segments may be too busy to focus on the key criteria while conducting interviews.  Rather than rushing through the interviewing process, IT staffing agencies can help to refine the candidate pool by screening candidates and find the best fit.

IT recruiting may not be for everyone.  Some companies prefer to keep their staffing in house and not all candidates wish to work with a recruiter.  If you are new to the job market or a hiring company seeking alternative staffing methods, consider the opportunity to work with a recruiter!

IT Recruiting Cues: Choosing Your References

Do Not Sell Yourself Short

Chances are you have a number of skills, but when you choose only supervisors who witnessed your multitasking ability or worked with you on desktop maintenance you miss the chance to have others boast about your performance.  Prove to technical recruiters that you are qualified by spicing up your reference sheet with contacts who have witnessed all your strengths.

Consider the Questions

The point of the recommendation is to confirm you have the experience, knowledge, and skill to perform IT jobs. Research questions employers and IT recruiting firms tend to ask and consider who would provide the best response.  Never list contacts from positions that ended on bad terms and if you feel hesitant about certain references, do not include them as it might hurt your chances with IT staffing companies.

Ask for Permission

After you have narrowed your selection, contact your references and ask for permission to use them for a recommendation.  Not only are you asking for authorization to use their contact information, but you are also providing a heads up that you are actively seeking employment and that hiring managers or IT recruiting agencies will be contacting them in the future.

Keep References Informed

Keep in touch with your references so when you do reach out to them, it does not seem random.  If possible, provide them with a copy of your latest resume.  Connect with previous employers, co-workers, and IT recruiters on LinkedIn to keep them abreast of new positions or industries of interest.  See if you share a connection to the hiring company that may be able to provide a recommendation for you.  When you increase your network you open yourself up to more opportunities!

Stay Confidential

Keep references confidential and only provide them when interviewers or IT staffing firms request them.  You have been granted permission to use this contact information, but do not abuse it by including it with every resume you send to technical recruiting companies.  Finally, thank your references for their time.  Their kind words could land you the job!

Five Interview Rules in the IT Recruiting Industry

1.       Prepare

When candidates work with technical recruiting companies, they help guide you through the interview process and increase your chances of landing IT jobs.  If you are unfamiliar with recruiting, draft a series of questions for IT recruiters to have a better understanding.

Research the company and hiring managers conducting the interview on your own time.  Take note of the company’s industry and news such as recent mergers or acquisitions.  Think of questions to ask during the interview, even if you do not have any.  Bring copies of your resume and references to the interview just in case.

2.       Look and Be the Part

After you have completed your research, choose two outfits.  Be sure that each outfit is neatly pressed and interview appropriate.  Do not worry if you are over dressed because it is better to look professional than sloppy or too casual.  During the interview, avoid talking too much about irrelevant information, but do speak enough to cover all questions and your related experience.  Think through your responses and answer with confidence.  Stay positive despite sensitive topics and never speak ill of a former employer or poor experiences with other IT recruiting companies.

3.       Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is just as important as the conversation.  During an interview remain focused and maintain eye contact.  Avoid distractions such as a cell phone by turning it off or leaving it in your car.  Try to ignore nervous habits and fidgeting.

4.       Be Honest

When an interviewer asks you a question and you are unsure of how to respond or do not have an answer, be honest.  Think through your response or explain you do not have experience in a certain area.  It is better to be upfront than caught in a lie later which will embarrass not only yourself, but also your IT recruiter.

5.       Follow Up

One of the most important aspects of interviewing is thanking the interviewer for his time.  Follow up with a personalized thank you to each interviewer and reiterate your interest in the position.  Try to send your thank you within twenty-four hours of the interview.  Do not forget to acknowledge the IT staffing firms and technical recruiters you work with!

Mirroring the Hiring Manager in the IT Staffing Industry

An IT headhunter enters an interview and prepares to do the skill he has learned in a number of classes, articles, and books…mirroring the hiring manager.  The manager enters the room running behind schedule and forgets to extend a handshake.  He immediately begins complaining about traffic, weather, and whatever is on his mind.  The manager stretches back in his chair and exerts a boisterous yawn before he gets down to business (and checks his phone).  The technical recruiter panics, he was not prepared for this.

Staying Professional and Positive

While this example may be over the top, candidates and IT recruiters should focus on making the best first impression.  Rather than fall into the trap of negativity, you can state your own opinion if you do or do not agree, but always follow up with a positive response.  If the hiring manager forgets to extend a handshake, take initiative and impress him by offering your hand first.  No matter how laid back a manager may seem, maintain professionalism, as this may be a test of your censors and limits.

Be Honest

You do not need to agree with everything the hiring manager says.  You should also never exaggerate your skills for the IT job.  Conflict and lies are the last things IT staffing firms want during an interview or business meeting.  But expressing your honest opinion can open the floor for discussion and conversation.  You will display your true personality and management may admire your confidence.

Look for Connections

Here is where it’s completely acceptable to mirror from the manager.  When you research the interviewer or employer, you have the opportunity to view their interests.  Look for any connections on sites such as LinkedIn.  Use these connections to your advantage.  Do not be afraid to mention them in your meeting, because it will show you did your homework.

Be Responsive

Post meetings, managers look for those who are most responsive.  Follow up with thank you note in a timely manner.  If you have any further questions, address them in the message.  Reiterate your interest in the position if you feel it is a true match for your skills and interests.  Thank the hiring managers or technical recruiters for their time.

You can tell if an interview is going well through non verbal communication.  Look for physical cues, such as smiles and eye contact.  If the interviewer has a bad tone or attitude, do not follow suit.  Even if an interview does not go as smooth as planned, you can save your reputation and first impression by staying positive and ending on a happy note.


As a job seeker actively looking for an IT job, you are constantly sending out resumes and emails to hiring managers or IT recruiters working for IT staffing agencies.  In order to make sure that your email or resume is not disregarded, make sure that you proofread for any typos and grammatical errors.  Hiring managers want to go through a resume quickly without having to interpret what you meant to write.

By proofreading everything you send to a hiring manager or IT recruiter, they will be able to get through your documents and better see what IT skills you have.  The IT staffing industry is fast-paced and IT recruiters want to find the right prospective candidate for the IT job quickly.  By facilitating the process, you are giving yourself a better chance at that IT job.

Most importantly, by not proofreading your resume, you hurt your chances of landing that perfect IT job.  Take it from this IT recruiter who has had more than one client disqualify one of our candidates due to errors in the resume, proofreading is critically important.  Always put your best foot forward during the IT job search.  Don’t let someone disqualify you because you didn’t take the extra couple of minutes to proofread.

You interviewed for that IT job, now what do you do?

Getting that IT job interview is the first step of many.  You need to keep your name fresh with the interviewer(s) to make sure they remember you.  Sometimes there is a big gap of time between getting the interview and getting the job.  Here are a few things our IT recruiters recommend going through the interview process.

1. Business Cards

Before you leave that in-person interview, ask for the hiring managers business card.  Remembering the names of the people who interviewed you, as well as their proper spelling and contact information, is important.

2. Thank You Card

As we mentioned in previous blog posts, IT recruiters believe that a thank you card is one step you should not miss.  It gives you a chance to answer some of the technical questions you were not able to answer during the meeting as well as reinforces your interest in the role.  By going just a bit above and beyond, you can leapfrog other equally qualified candidates who did not do this.  Thank the interviewers for their time.

3. Social Media Networks

Do not go and update your status on Facebook or twitter about how well you interviewed with Company X or write anything that could hurt your chances of landing that IT job. Clients working with IT staffing agencies are known to check up on your social media networks.

Follow these steps and it will help you get that next IT job!

Is the IT industry going Green?

Lately there have been many blogs and articles about the Information Technology industry going green.  More companies are looking to create products that are environmentally friendly while remaining efficient.  Combining the two things is hard but businesses are beginning to research and look into the possible solutions.

IT recruiting companies are using less paper and relying more on technology.  Hiring manager’s typically read resumes instead of printing out piles of paper.  Technology is driving the green revolution, IT contractors are also beginning to learn more about these solutions and new IT job opportunities are opening up.  This trend of going green is slowly catching on, but seems to be growing at a quicker pace, as environmental changes appear to be effecting us more.

Should you start looking into getting certified to work on green efforts?  It might be a good idea to give yourself that extra line on your resume.  Hiring managers are always looking for something that will differentiate you from the next candidate.  Even if they aren’t working on green solutions they might in the future.  It will then give you an advantage over other candidates!