Free Office Perks in IT Have Hidden Costs
IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA are fascinated by the lore of fantastic office perks that information technology companies are offering. IT consultants and IT managers are being wooed by more than just interesting IT jobs. IT staffing companies are promising IT contractors, on behalf of their clients, things ranging from free food, to free laundry, to free haircuts. These perks all tend to come with hidden price tags, though. IT professionals who work at companies with extensive perks are probably expected to work similarly extensive hours. IT headhunters are noticing that the perks make those long hours easier, as distractions from life outside work are taken care of. IT staffing agencies have also noticed that the toll of these perks can be even more obvious—in the forms of protruding bellies. IT recruiting companies can certainly point to the unfortunate side effects of extensive perks: it’s all in the waistline.