Tag Archives: IT contractors

IT Staffing: Seeing Candidates Through Rose Tinted Glasses

Most technical recruiters admit to having a choice contractor and play favorites whether it be their first placement or IT contractors with similar interests.  While it is great to find the good and positive in others, are some IT recruiting firms seeing candidates through rose tinted glasses?  Before a technical recruiter recommends him for other assignments, he should focus on the candidate’s actual work performance and goals.  They may be putting the contractor before more qualified individuals for open IT jobs.


It is acceptable to have a friendly relationship with candidates, but IT recruiters should keep their work relationships professional.  IT staffing firms should not let their candidates take advantage of them based on friendships.  Treat contractors with the same amount of respect as any hiring managers or other clients and expect the same from him.  If he asks for honest feedback, avoid sugarcoating information by providing him with the truth, especially if he is unfit match for an open position.


When a hiring manager makes suggestions for improvement in a candidate’s performance, do not take it personally or make excuses for him.  Technical recruiting companies should coach their candidates on ways to make the most of assignments and expand experience.  The more they learn, the more experienced they will be for potential, future placements.

Open to New Candidates

If candidates are more qualified than a favorite IT contractor, do not punish prospective candidates and hiring companies for a favorite.  Be open to networking and expanding client bases by meeting with new contractors.

IT recruiting requires mutual respect throughout the relationship.  By favoring another contractor over others, the IT recruiting company is not being fair to some who may be more qualified.  Rather than letting personal preference become involved, focus on the outcome of the placement.

IT Recruiting Firms Nix Monday Morning Blues

Good bye, weekend.  Hello, Monday morning.  If you are like most IT recruiters, you dread the inevitable return to work after a relaxing, or perhaps chaotic, break from IT staffing agencies.  How can you avoid the pangs or lessen the anxiety of an impending five day work week?  Read on for some tips to ease the transition from weekend to the start of a new week.

Finish Tasks on Friday

Come Friday afternoon, most technical recruiters are in a more casual, relaxed mood.  They may put off projects or wait to call prospective candidates until Monday.  Do not let this be you.  By tiding up your to-do list on Friday and staying organized, you can leave more desirable tasks for Monday morning.  Also, by procrastinating you are leaving yourself vulnerable to falling behind if other projects or open IT jobs arise.  Leave IT staffing companies feeling accomplished rather than apathetic.  You may find you enjoy your weekend even more!

Find Out What You Dread Most

Pinpoint what you are dreading most about your Mondays.  If it is a routine cumbersome project, break it up into sections and try to get a head start on Friday down time.  When you have to meet with IT staffing peers first thing, ask to move the meeting to a later time if possible.  You might be the source of your angst if you are repeatedly hitting the snooze button.  Instead, prepare the night before so you have time to sleep in or go to bed earlier on Sunday night.

Plan Something Fun

If you are still feeling the Monday morning slump at technical recruiting companies, turn Mondays into something to look forward to.  Treat yourself to an overly caffeinated and sugary coffee if that is your niche or splurge on a breakfast sandwich.  Schedule a lunch meeting with your favorite hiring managers or IT contractors.  After work, make plans with friends or take some personal time to recoup.

Avoid cramming all your non-work related tasks into the weekend by spreading them out during the week, leaving the weekend more enjoyable and less rushed.  You will return to the office feeling refreshed rather than overwhelmed!

Are IT Recruiting Agencies Spamming Clients?

In the IT recruiting business, the golden rule is to stay in touch with clients to create reoccurring customers.  Technical recruiters do not want hiring managers or IT contractors to forget about them or think they do not care, so they reach out frequently to check in.  While this is crucial in the IT staffing industry, when does following up evolve into spamming?  Here are some tips to keep in touch without crossing the line.

Be Consistent

When first reaching out to IT consultants, ask when a good time would be to meet and discuss resumes, IT job interviews, or just life.  IT recruiters should let their clients know they wish to reach out on a weekly basis if that is the case so candidates are aware and will expect their call.  At the close of discussions, schedule follow up meetings.

Surprise visits can make a consultant’s day, but it can also be a disaster if it is poor timing.  Try to avoid surprising clients unless the recruiter is certain the client will not be too busy with work to have a conversation. 

Make Personal

When sending emails, do not act as though this is the first interaction with a recipient.  An IT recruiter can try calling clients the next time they are about to respond to a message.  Hearing a voice on the other end brings a closer connection than emails where tone and expression can be lost in translation.

A technical recruiter can make the relationship friendly, while also staying professional.  Remember details about IT consultants and ask about anything exciting in their life.  The recruiter may find something in common that he would not have known otherwise!

Mass mailings may make IT headhunters lives easier, but are often easily recognized.  Try to take a few minutes each week to recognize clients.  They will appreciate the personal touch.

Send Valuable Information

Allow clients to control how much content they are receiving.  If they are subscribed to the Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn of IT recruiting firms, they may be receiving the same updates repeatedly.  Try to keep material fresh and irredundant so clients have a reason to subscribe.

If IT staffing agencies are using the same content for social media outlets, they may experience attrition in subscribers.  Also, only send important updates or news so technical recruiting companies are not wasting their client’s time as the message will be deleted.

The point of staying in touch is to not lose contact, do not drive customers away by being overly aggressive!

IT Staffing: Is a Small Company for You?

As candidates seek new career opportunities, they have the opportunity to choose from large corporations or small businesses.   While most are easily swayed by the aura of a prominent brand name, they may not realize the benefits they pass up from snubbing the smaller corportations.  Here are some reason IT contractors should consider working with the little guys.

Part of the Team

Smaller companies tend to be teams working together to reach a common objective.  Each IT headhunter plays a crucial role toward the process of achieving that goal through teamwork and an individual strive.  Working side by side, technical recruiters are bound to develop more personal relationships than the standard IT recruiting connection.  Also, because employees in a small IT staffing company work in such a tight knit group, workers have the opportunity to voice suggestions and provide honest feedback to management.

Tangible Results

The efforts of a technical recruiter are more likely to be noticed at small technical recruiting companies than at a larger corporation.  He will have the opportunity to see how his work contributes to a project and its final output.  IT headhunters can also help to implement new policies if the company is flexible and standards are not already in place.

Learning Experience

Most emerging companies perform on the trial and error process.  IT recruiters must be ready to step outside of their comfort zone, make mistakes, and take on additional responsibilities.  The benefits to employees are they are exposed and cross trained to different departments and forced to find a drive for inner creativity.

Is it the Right Atmosphere for You?

As an IT contractor, are you ready to on the risk?  Not all emerging businesses are guaranteed successes, but if the company thrives, you will be taken along for the ride.  Likewise, if it fails, you will experience the downfall and disappointment.  Are you ready for additional responsibility?  The words “not my job” are rarely used at small companies.  You must be willing to take on more than your fair share of work to succeed at the company.  Finally, if you are not willing to work in a team, emerging corporations are not the place for you.

Not everyone is cut out to work in a small company, but part of finding out is being involved in the experience!

IT Recruiting: Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Most IT contractors are aware of the hardships when applying and interviewing for IT jobs. Luckily, the process is eased when working with a technical recruiter as the recruiter provides tips for your resume and interview.  During the interview, the spotlight is on the candidate.  This is your time to shine and win over the hiring managers.  What happens when you follow the advice of your IT recruiter and you are rejected?  Do you blame the IT staffing firm?

The Offender

It is a difficult experience for a recruiter to tell an applicant they did not make the final cut, especially when they are subject to the candidate’s blame and guilt. Technical recruiters root for their candidates throughout their interview process.  They are not the ultimate decision makers when it comes to hiring an applicant and cannot reconsider the decision of a hiring manager.

The Victim

A candidate feels a loss of pride when they are rejected for an IT job.  They may feel misled or a loss of hope upon first hearing the message.  Rather than taking it out on the recruiter, ask for feedback.  The IT staffing rep can provide honest opinions from the hiring managers on why the candidate may not be the best fit for the position.  Do not be afraid to ask the recruiter to be kept in mind for other positions!

The Aftermath

No one enjoys receiving or delivering bad news, especially regarding a missed opportunity.  As IT recruiters, explain why his skills were not applicable or if there simply was a better applicant while lending the disheartened candidate an ear as he vents.   Suggest other openings you may have in mind and follow up with other positions as they arise.

As a candidate, you are allowed to express your feelings, but do not burn a bridge in the process.  This failed interview could open the door to new positions and potential opportunities.  If you made mistakes, use this experience as part of the learning process.  Finally, remember that it is better to hear unfortunate news early such as being unqualified now than later down the interview process or during the position.

Sloppy IT Recruiters

Technical recruiters know that like apples, it takes one bad IT recruiter to spoil the bunch.  Recruiters are often viewed as money driven IT headhunters who care more about their commissions than the well being of their clients.  To maintain your ground as an honest recruiter, avoid these sloppy and often dishonest recruiting tactics.

The Bait and Switch

IT recruiting companies send an email saying you are an ideal fit for recruiters’ open positions.  You head to a IT recruiting agency expecting an interview when the recruiter sits you down and asks you all your employment history and skills, which are on your resume.  You soon realize there is no open position and the technical recruiting company is just looking to populate their database with clients.

There might be open positions, but the one initially offered is not mentioned.  The suggested roles are more entry level IT jobs that slightly relate to your skills.  The sloppy technical recruiter tries to talk up the jobs and make reaches in terms of relating your experience to the tasks and responsibilities to their open positions.  When you decline, the recruiter pushes you to make a commitment where you do not feel comfortable.


Once technical recruiting companies establish a commitment with candidates, they should follow up throughout the duration of their contract.  Recruiters who seem to drop off the face of the earth post interviewing pose signs of a potentially weak relationship and could worry clients or hiring managers about the stability of their positions.


Recruiters have the advantage that they can spend more time discussing the skills of IT contractors and experience than a hiring manager can learn in one just one interview.  When you talk to a contractor, try to establish a rapport so you can both feel comfortable with one another.  When you send emails, make it personal rather than sending a mass mail.  If you must send a mass mail, always check to make sure email addresses are hidden from other recipients.

Not all IT recruiting agencies behave the same so obviously their performances differ.  Those that treat their clients as people and not inventory will see better results and reviews.  You will also be happier with your day to day tasks as well!

IT Recruiting is not Day Care

Hey technical recruiters!  Do you trust your IT contractors?  Are you confident your candidates can make the right decisions on their own?  Some IT recruiters feel it is necessary to walk their clients through the IT staffing process, which is completely acceptable.  What is not acceptable is talking down to your contractors, holding their hand, and giving into outlandish demands throughout their contract duration.

The Customer is Always Right

IT recruiting companies want to keep their clients more than satisfied with their services.  How much can technical recruiting firms give before they begin to break?  By repeatedly meeting contractors’ unrealistic demands and expectations, IT staffing companies will find it difficult to say no in the long run.  Clients may begin to take advantage of a company’s generosity, so an IT recruiter should put his foot down early to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Flip Side: The technical recruiter is not always right.  Be open to suggestions and encourage feedback from your contractors.  Their criticism and praise can help your performance and work ethic!

Making Decisions

Contractors are typically experienced adults and seldom does a recruiter come across a client who cannot make choices on his own.  Only the candidate knows what is best in terms of his wants and needs and never should a recruiter make a decision for him.  Rather than taking the reins, IT staffing firms can help candidates make decisions in terms of which IT jobs would be the best fit for their experience and lifestyle.

Flip Side: If a candidate cannot make up his mind or seems indifferent about an offer, remind him the benefits of taking the position, but reiterate that other candidates would be happy to be in his place. 


Sometimes it is not what you say to a candidate, but how you say it.  Contractors may be more sensitive while others have a tougher skin and can handle a strong personality or attitude.  The most important aspect of recruiting is staying positive throughout the experience.  Get to know your clients so you know how to conduct business effectively.

Flip Side: Babying your client helps no one.  Coach your contractor with proper instruction and feedback to help his progress.  If he reacts poorly to your advice, it may be time to sever ties and stop representing him.


IT Staffing Firms: The Best Friend of Candidates and Companies

Saves Time and Patience

IT recruiting companies save hiring companies the time and effort in researching applicants for IT jobs.  Without the hassle of sifting through resumes and weeding out candidates, human resources can refocus their attention to other areas.  Recruiters also help the company and applicants negotiate rates and contracts which might be sensitive topics for both parties.

Working with technical recruiters provides candidates with a direct contact for honest feedback and thorough interviewing schedule.  Applicants may feel more confident working with IT staffing companies because recruiters can offer tips and suggestions while also providing a source to hiring manages.  If an interview does not go well or a job is not a good fit, the recruiter can also make suggestions and recommend an applicant for other positions.

Saves Money

Because human resources will not need to concern themselves with the hiring process, the company can spend the allocated budget on other divisions within business.  Companies will not incur overhead expenses related to contacting prospective candidates such as technology and benefits to support IT contractors or technical staffing firms.  If the hiring company is successful with IT recruiting agencies, they will continue to utilize their services and save money long term.

Better Results

IT recruiters are specialized to seek out the most qualified candidates for their open positions.  They have been trained to ask all the right questions while finding those with the most relevant experience.  Human resources generally works alongside departments to find the best fit, but both HR and IT segments may be too busy to focus on the key criteria while conducting interviews.  Rather than rushing through the interviewing process, IT staffing agencies can help to refine the candidate pool by screening candidates and find the best fit.

IT recruiting may not be for everyone.  Some companies prefer to keep their staffing in house and not all candidates wish to work with a recruiter.  If you are new to the job market or a hiring company seeking alternative staffing methods, consider the opportunity to work with a recruiter!

How Most IT Recruiting Offices are Set Up

All of the IT recruiting companies Boston that I have worked for, and all of the IT staffing offices that I’ve been in, have all been set up the same way.  First, there is a general “pit” in the middle of the office.  This is where the IT recruiters Boston will sit.  The openness allows for easy communication – verbal instant messaging you might call it.

A typical day in the IT recruiting world is anything but typical.  Technical recruiters might be talking to prospective candidates one minute, setting up an interview the next.  Soon after, they may have the opportunity to roll out an offer or break the news that the candidate did not get the job they interviewed for.  IT recruiters may have to call one of their current IT contractors with feedback on their job performance or they may have to release them from their assignment.

Because there are so many nuances to the IT recruiting role, so many different scenarios that may arise day in and day out, the open floor also provides another purpose.  It allows other IT recruiters MA to hear virtually all other conversations.  This proves very beneficial for technical recruiters as it allows them to absorb as many techniques and IT recruiting scenarios as possible.

In some IT staffing offices, there are offices surrounding the “pit” housing salespeople and account managers.  The offices allow them with a bit more privacy, mainly so their IT managers don’t hear all of the background chatter.  When cold calling a client, every second of the conversation counts.  You don’t want to lose credibility if the background noise gives the client the impression you’re in a call center.

In other technical staffing locations, the technical recruiters and IT staffing salespeople sit in the pit together.  Just as it’s critical for technical recruiters to hear their peer’s conversations, it’s equally as critical for the salespeople.  The conversations can be a teaching tool and/or just another opportunity for others to absorb new techniques and styles.

Another benefit of having technical recruiters and IT staffing Boston salespeople sit together on the floor is simply communication.  With any successful placement, the recruiter and salesperson must communicate effectively.  An open pit allows for the two sides with this ability – more verbal instant messaging.

Unfortunately There are No Guarantees in the IT Staffing Industry

As one of the leading IT recruiting companies in the industry, we take full responsibility for the performance and reliability of our IT contractors.   However, as thorough as we are with our interview process, unfortunately there is never a guarantee in the people business.  You could ask every question, dot every “I” and cross every “T,” meet the candidate in person, check and dig into their references, conduct a thorough background check on the individual and there still is no guarantee that the person will report to work every day as promised.  The IT recruiting industry revolves around people, and unfortunately, people are one of the least reliable products out there.

Luckily, for every candidate that backs out of an job at the last minute or leaves an IT contract assignment before completion, there are a handful of hard-working, dedicated and professional IT consultants who go in and do the job to the best of their ability.

However, there are some steps that can be taken to help provide incentives for IT contractors to complete their assignments as promised.  One of the more widely used are completion bonuses in which IT staffing companies withhold anywhere from $1-5/hour of the weekly pay of their IT consultants, then pay them a “bonus” at the conclusion of the contract assignments.

For some IT consultants, just doing their job is motivation enough – especially knowing positive feedback will prompt IT recruiting firms Boston to want to work with them again in the future (subsequently driving up their future pay rate).  Ultimately, it’s up to the individual IT recruiters Boston to uncover each individual person’s motivation, then build some sort of retention program around that to ensure the client gets what they’re paying for.