Tag Archives: IT job

Hiring Managers: How to Work with an IT Recruiter

Our main goal as an IT staffing company is to assist you, the client, in finding the perfect candidate for the IT job.  In order to make this process quick and efficient, without sending candidates over who do not qualify, we need your help.

These are some things that will help an IT recruiter when finding you a candidate:

  1. Honesty: Let us know if you are working with other IT staffing agencies.  We will not hold this against you.  We encourage working with other IT recruiting agencies, as that will help you find the best candidate.  We need to know which IT recruiting firms these are so if one of our candidates is also working with them we don’t send you the same candidate twice.
  2. Rates: Be as upfront as you can with your budget.  We don’t want to waste your time, or of course, ours, if you have a set rate that you cannot exceed.  Instead, if we know your budget, we can work around that to find you the best possible candidate who fits into those particulars.
  3. Feedback: As technical recruiters, we need to know how a candidate interviewed – whether it was good or bad – so that we can adjust our search and send you new candidates that are on target.  This feedback is important with resumes, not just interviews.
  4. IT job descriptions: The more thorough and accurate, the better.  These are critical so we can find you the right candidate.  IT recruiters search for technology skills but we also need to know which of the requirements are must haves and others are just an added bonus.
  5. Interview availability: In order to get a candidate in to see you, we need to know what your availability is to interview and how soon you will be doing interviews.  IT recruiters are always trying to find candidates and send them over right away, but if we do not have answers for them then they will not be willing to wait for the position. In order to make the hiring process as seamless as possible, let us know the dates you are available so we can set things up right away for you.
  6. Start Date: In order to get the right candidate at the appropriate time we need to know when you would ideally like the person to start.  If you plan on hiring them for 3 months later and we were not made aware of this, we may have found a candidate who was looking for a position right away that will not be able to start working.  As IT recruiters, we do not want to waste your time sending candidates over who may not even be able to work right away (or at a later time period, etc).

Identifying Candidates Who Are a Cultural Fit With Your Company

In the IT staffing industry, hiring managers or IT recruiting companies will match qualified resumes with the IT job description.  Because the industry is so dependent upon finding someone with the depth/experience in the specific technologies required, companies and IT recruiters often get caught up in just matching key words.  However, what some IT recruiters and managers often neglect is the human element.  More specifically, is the candidate also a cultural fit with your group, office and/or company?

How can IT recruiters or a hiring managers find more about the candidate, and their personality, by just reading a resume or cover letter?  The first solution may be creating a questionnaire, often personality-related questions or hypotheticals that can often shed some light on a candidate’s personality and thought process.  A widely-available option is the Myers- Brigg Type Indicator (a.k.a the MBTI test).  This test can either be taken online or in person and asks various questions that will categorize the candidate.  There are 4 categories and 2 types within each category.

However, from this IT staffing firm’s perspective, which has worked with numerous clients who have incorporated different personality tests, the best way to screen for culture is to always be a face-to-face when meeting with the candidate.  Have a list of situational questions prepared, but use the interview as an opportunity to gauge the candidate’s reaction and watch for their body language.  You can tell a lot about how a person acts with each response.  Analyze his or her responses; look for inconsistencies and/or signs of fabrication.  Shifting or lack of eye contact can also tell whether the person is ultimately being truthful with their answers.

Should H-1B Visas be used by IT Staffing Firms?

According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, IT staffing firms are not considered “U.S employers,” so attempts to petition for them have been rejected.  TechServe Alliance along with the American Staffing Association and some other entities are suing the Federal Government in an attempt to establish that IT staffing companies are lawful businesses, and thus should be allowed to petition for H-1B Visas.

There are countless IT jobs that IT staffing agencies are providing candidates for.  Sometimes these candidates are extremely well qualified but their legal status prohibits them from accepting a job unless the client can offer sponsorship.  Many argue that foreigners are taking IT jobs that Americans can be doing.  Although that may be true in some cases, an employer is not going to hire someone just because they are from another country.  They hire them because their qualifications fit the IT job perfectly.  Providing sponsorships to employees costs them thousands of dollars, so choosing a foreign employee is not always in their best interest.

In the case of IT staffing companies, they should be given the opportunity to present a client without having to worry whether the candidate will be able to work.  The USCIS argues that there isn’t an “employer-employee relationship.” This IT recruiter thinks differently.  As an IT recruiting company, you have to stay on top of the employee and make sure they pay them and are showing up to work.  The IT recruiter tells the candidate that they are hired, but they also find the candidate.  IT recruiting companies are constantly finding IT jobs for Americans in the US, and therefore should be considered a US employer.

IT Staffing – a Very Competitive Industry

The world of IT staffing is a highly competitive industry. IT recruiting agencies race to the best candidates and are constantly battling for the very best high-tech resources.  It often comes down to which IT recruiter calls or emails the respective candidate first.  Because of that, the most successful IT recruiters typically start their day early and end pretty late (and checking their Blackberrys in between).

One of the misconceptions that both candidates and clients have with IT recruiting firms is that they have a “bench” full of resources who are ready to go.  Although IT recruiters are on the phones with prospective candidates all day long, this is actually a reactive industry.  Because there are so many different technologies and nuances to each skill set, IT staffing firms typically receive a requirement before they begin their search for candidates.  Once they have the detailed IT job specs, then the IT recruiting agency will jump on an immediate search.

Communication is critical in any successful IT job placement.  Candidates must be honest with IT recruiters, and in return, the IT recruiters must be honest with the candidates.  If he/she has already applied for the position at hand, then that must be made clear.  If the candidate does not fit the requirements or ultimately will not be submitted for the IT job, then that must also be communicated.  Open, honest dialogue is important to every successful IT job placement.

Similarly, clients and IT staffing agencies need to have the same relationship.  IT recruiting firms need to communicate whether the candidates they submit are close to accepting any other offers.  Therefore, the client knows how quick they need to move.  By managing the “client’s expectations,” there is no excuse if they lose the candidate to another opportunity because they dragged their feet.  Likewise, clients need to “manage the expectations” of the IT recruiting firm when they call out an IT job order.  They need to communicate how quick they’re looking to interview, and subsequently hire, the resource.  By doing this, the IT recruiter can properly work with candidates to make sure everyone is on the same page.

IT Jobs Starting to Heat Up

Like most every industry, the IT job market has been hit hard over the past year and a half.  However, the economy has been showing signs of life.  IT staffing agencies have been reporting a steady increase in hiring among clients.  IT recruiters can no longer find 3-5 candidates for every position.  Instead they’re finding more and more people employed or those with multiple irons in the fire.  Although this makes the IT recruiting job more difficult, these are certainly great signs for the economy.

According to the 2010 IT Hire Intelligence Survey, which was carried out by Monster.com, around 78 percent of the companies who participated are saying that they will be hiring for many positions within the next six months.

In the survey, “of the companies planning to hire, only 26 percent are new openings and only 9 percent are replacement positions”.  This obviously means that there will be new types of IT jobs available.  In addition, IT recruiting agencies will continue to heat up, as companies will not be able to fill all their positions on their own.  In fact, IT staffing agencies have recently started to hire more IT recruiters – an obvious sign that they are receiving more jobs from their clients.

There is finally light at the end of the tunnel.  Although there are still a number of people unemployed, the IT job market is heading in the right direction.  Our advice is to continue to be active on the job search.  Post and refresh your resume on the job boards, utilize LinkedIn for networking and contact as many IT staffing agencies as possible to cast as many lines in the water.  Something will bite….soon.

Getting The Experience You Need To Get Hired

With so many IT professionals out of work in recent times, clients typically have countless candidates to choose from if they post an IT job.  IT recruiting companies also have an abundant number of candidates at their disposal.  With so many qualified people on the market, how do you find a job if you’re just starting out in the IT industry or changing careers?

Here are some suggestions our IT recruiters had to get the experience you need:

  1. Volunteer for a nonprofit.  Nonprofits are always looking for extra help and during your spare time you can take on tasks that other companies might not let you try.
  2. Call up IT staffing agencies. Sometimes small agencies have not even thought about hiring interns and your initiative will show motivation.
  3. Go on LinkedIn. See whom you’re connected with and whether any of them have any small projects that they may need help on.  Follow an IT staffing firm’s page.  Find AVID: http://tinyurl.com/avidtrlinkedin.
  4. Follow IT recruiting companies’ websites for updated job postings
  5. Follow IT staffing agencies’ Facebook and/or Twitter pages for updated job postings.  Find AVID: http://tinyurl.com/avidtrfacebook
  6. Utilize Indeed.com.
  7. Reconnect with past Professors.  Professors are always in contact with various friends and companies so they are the perfect resource for finding a job or just working on a small project.
  8. Find someone who inspires you. Call that person and let them know your interested in their daily tasks. Most of the time they’ll be glad to have you shadow them or do an informational interview. This not only gives them an opportunity to show off what they do, but they’ll keep you as a contact and maybe down the line help you out.
  9. Join clubs or organizations.  Depending on what you are looking for in experience, clubs allow you to work on various skills without the pressure of work.
  10. If you already have a job, try suggesting ideas for departments you are interested in.  This will not only get you on the good side of your manager, but when you go apply for another job you can show initiative as well as experience in different areas of a business.

Have other ways of getting experience?  Help our readers and leave us a comment.

IT Recruiting Techniques Outside of Typical IT Job Boards

Most IT recruiting companies will have a robust database housing thousands of resumes in their database.  Additionally, IT recruiting firms will have access to all of the resume boards – Monster, Career Builder, Hot Jobs, Dice, Net Temps, etc.  However, true IT recruiting reaches well beyond these tools.  We understand this at AVID and this approach helps us separate ourselves from other IT staffing agencies.  AVID IT recruiters utilize the following techniques outside of typical search avenues to identify strong technical candidates:

1)      Direct Recruiting:  With the advent of Monster and other IT job boards, calling directly into targeted companies has truly become a lost art.  However, not at AVID.  This is one of our most effective means of finding the perfect candidate– and one who’s resume isn’t plastered all over the IT job boards.

2)            Identifying IT User Groups:  This is an excellent way to build a network of niche skill sets and a great way to identify strong candidates through referrals.  Our IT recruiters join networking groups and attend niche user group meetings.  They’re on the streets networking with the very people we place on a daily basis.

3)            Finding Niche IT job Sites:  Many niche IT job sites (especially in the government/military sector) are virtually resume databases.  Simple Google searches can unearth these sites and ultimately provide additional search avenues.

4)            LinkedIn:  AVID IT recruiters promote all of their own IT jobs on their individual LinkedIn pages and are constantly joining new user groups and networking with technical professionals.

5)      Social Media:  Our IT recruiters also all have their own Facebook and Twitter work pages where they post positions and network with IT professionals.

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6)   Google & Other Search Engines: These are free sites that AVID IT recruiters utilize on a daily basis.  By knowing how to use Boolean search queries, you can find hundreds of resumes, user groups and job posting sites.

7)   Trade Associations:  AVID utilizes Business Journals, High Tech Magazines, Executive Clubs and other networking groups to further promote our IT jobs and meet IT contractors and other high-tech professionals.  Many have websites with career functionality.

8)      Local College & University Relationships:  AVID IT recruiters go out of their way to build strong relationships/partnerships with a number of local colleges and universities.  This yields better access to for IT job postings and career services.

9)      Referrals:  By asking for a referral on every single call, AVID IT recruiters are constantly identifying candidates that our competition cannot find.

10)   Search Engine Optimization:  AVID is one of the most dynamic IT recruiting agencies in the industry.  We follow trends and embrace changes in technology. As our technical recruiters utilize all of the techniques described above, SEO provides the opportunity for candidates to find us!

The Benefits of Listing IT Certifications on Your Resume

In any IT job search, the key is to differentiate yourself.  As IT recruiters, we are constantly helping strong candidates stand out from the competition. Whether we help with interview tips, tweaking of a resume, or sending a thank-you note, IT staffing companies exist to provide a guiding hand through the process. Though it might seem like the most obvious, one essential piece of advice is to really highlight your expertise. Time and time again we see resumes where Certifications are listed at the bottom, plopped between “Affiliations” and “Interests” in size 9 font. Grueling certifications that have cost our candidates many hours, dollars, and credentials.

Did this article catch your eye? This is exactly what your resume should look like. IT recruiting firms make it a priority to include every logo for every certification on every resume. Make this the first thing they see. Drastic times call for drastic measures – the competition in our current job market is incredible. Certifications are revered as elite. Think about it: the ability to list “MCP” or “CCNA” on a resume came at quite the cost. Many of these exams are excruciatingly difficult to obtain. They are rigorous, lengthy; expensive. Some require other certifications, continued education, or countless hours of hands-on experience.

We are one of the leading IT staffing agencies who advise our candidates to show off their hard work! The benefit could land you IT jobs, along with increasing your compensation. You’ve proved your expertise – now prove you’re worth. Certifications will help you do just that. They are tangible and showcase a strong foundation. Moreover, IT recruiters constantly get IT jobs that require them. Your skills have been professionally validated; let’s make sure they aren’t overlooked.

Call an IT recruiter at AVID Technical Resources for advice like this and more: Our IT Recruiters are industry experts and will help you be seen in the best light possible to land that IT job!

Do’s & Dont’s of Resume Writing

I’m sure you’ve been given many suggestions from numerous IT recruiting agencies on what (and what not) to put on this essential piece of paper. The truth is, you’re crafting a document for the most important product you’ll ever sell – yourself! Take it from an IT recruiting company who has seen it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

  1. DO be simple, clear and basic in both content and style.  DON’T over format with several varying fonts, styles, colors, and tables.  While it’s important for your resume to look sharp, conveying the information is most crucial. Sometimes the showmanship can detract from the message. Unfortunately there’s no font special enough to make up for lack of skill – a hiring manager will cut through the styling in no time. It’s better to leave it out completely because believe it or not, a clean plain resume will resonate more effectively.
  2. DO be as concise as possible.  DON’T allow a congested, wordy resume sell you short.  IT Resumes can be lengthy by nature. Listing information technology skill sets combined with the popularity of contract work in this field forces resumes to be extensive. With that said, be succinct. Describe the project or responsibilities in a way that is detailed, but brief. Avoid rambling paragraphs and stick to bullets that are straight to the point.

    3. DO edit for spelling, grammar, verb tense and accuracy. DON’T allow a sloppy resume to cloud your talents. Though IT jobs are less likely to be nitpicky about grammar than say – publishing jobs, basic writing skills are important. Your task is to come across as intelligent and professional. Errors in fundamental skills like spelling can be mistaken for carelessness, disorganization, or laziness. In order to put your best foot forward, you must express high-tech expertise along with everyday proficiencies.

    4. DO focus and tailor your resume to meet the job criteria. DON’T use one generic resume for varying positions. It’s clear to IT recruiting agencies how much you want the job before you even step foot into their office. Do your homework. Your resume should illustrate why your specific knowledge is beneficial to the position you have applied for. A vague description of your talents does not distinguish you from the competition.

    5. DO be 100% honest.  DON’T lie, fib or exaggerate.  This might be the number one “DO” that should come as obvious, but often times does not. IT staffing firms do their research and will discover any inconsistencies in the information you provide. Lying about experience, skill sets, dates, etc. will ruin your chances of being submitted for a job. Don’t do it. Period.

Some IT staffing agencies like AVID Technical Resources will actually re-format your resume to put these suggestions into action. Save IT recruiters some time and stick to these commandments, we assure you it will make the difference in the long run.

Writing The Perfect Resume

One of my biggest pet peeves in the IT recruiting industry is a sloppy resume. I say this because it can make or break a candidate from getting an interview, then ultimately the job. Let’s put things into perspective: The distinction between a strong resume and a poorly written resume could be the difference between getting the interview and not getting the interview, which could then lead to whether or not you land the job. Subsequently, this job could provide you with additional training or compensation to be the stepping-stone which will then help you get you the salary or next position in the company of your dreams.

Remember, it all started with a strong resume.

Therefore, I’ve taken the time to outline 10 crucial points to help you create a “masterpiece.” Follow these steps and you’re chances of landing an interview, then ultimately your dream IT job, will dramatically improve.

1) Start With An Objective:
Clients read objectives. Therefore, tailor every objective towards the respective IT job that you’re applying to. For example, if you’re submitting your resume to a Project Manager position for an insurance company, and you’re a PM with industry experience, be sure to “bleed” the job. Therefore, create an “Objective” that reads something like: “Looking for a Project Management position where I can also utilize my skills and experience in the insurance industry.”

Since Objectives are listed at the top of the resume, they’re the typically the line that people first see. Therefore, utilize this header to express the exact position, location and/or vertical market that you’re looking for.

2) Keep Resume Short and Precise:
One of the biggest mistakes is writing a resume as if you were writing an autobiography. Resumes should be brief bullet points outlining your experience. When you’re putting together your resume, imagine that it will be sent to a manager and placed in a pile of 50 additional candidates. If you keep this in mind, then you’ll understand that a novel will never be read. IT Managers may have dozens of resumes to sort through. The average time he or she spends on one resume might be 15-20 seconds. Knowing this, your resume should be precise and to the point (and it should “bleed” the job. See #9 below).

Organize your resume under the following headers: Objective, Skills, Experience, Education and Certifications (or Additional Training, Awards, etc). Hint, you may want to list the Certifications under the Objective so it catches the client’s eye if it pertains to the position you’re applying for)

3) Include Information Technology Key Words:
Do not assume every hiring manager is as technical as you. Therefore, he or she may not be able to infer you have experience with a specific technology based upon your job title. Additionally, most all HR personnel or internal IT recruiters are not technical, so do not assume they know this either. Be sure to list every technology that you confidently have experience with.

Furthermore, most IT recruiters search a job board by skill sets and key words. Therefore, the more technologies you list on your resume, the greater chance your resume has of coming up in a search (thus improving your odds of being considered for a position).

4) Use Power Words / Avoid Using First Person:
Power words provide more impact and will naturally add credibility to your roles and responsibilities. Use action words like “developed,” “managed,” “monitored,” “implemented,” etc. Additionally, never write a resume in first person. The reader obviously knows whom the resume is talking about. Below is an example of avoiding first person and utilizing power words:

Instead of this:
I designed and developed a Windows-based application

Write this:
Designed & developed a Windows-based application

5) Consistency:
Your resume should be clean and consistent throughout. For example, if you bold and underline the “Objective,” be sure to do the same with all of the other headers. If you skip one space with between past employments, do the same throughout. The font, size and margins should all be uniform. In addition, don’t be afraid to show some white. Try not to cram all of your information together because you want to fit everything on one or two pages. Cleanliness is more important than trying to keep your resume short.

6) Don’t Be Afraid to Brag:
List all of your accomplishments. If you were highly ranked within your group, company or even school then reference it. If you were named “Employee of the month” or “Team MVP,” list it. The more information you can provide that speaks to your achievements and ability the better. Be sure to include all certifications, awards, education and technical courses as well.

7) Provide Accurate Dates – Months if Possible:
List the months in which you started and ended a position in addition to the year. Be sure you’re accurate with each, as you never know if an employment verification search is a required part of the hiring process. If there are gaps in your employment, then just be prepared to speak about the reasons. Don’t be afraid to be honest and tell the hiring manager that you just could not find a job. However, if the gap is large enough, then be sure to explain where you interviewed or what you did to keep up with your IT job skills. Clients would prefer the honest approach rather than uncover your position was a short-term assignment and/or you were only employed for a small period of time throughout the entire year. In the end, that looks deceitful and could cost you the job.

8) Avoid a Cover Letter:
Believe it or not, we do not recommend cover letters. In our experience, it is a waste of time. Most IT managers have dozens of resumes to sort through. Realistically speaking, they are not going to thoroughly read through each and every one, never mind additional cover letters. Instead focus your energy on your resume, as this is the document that is going to be the difference maker and determine whether or not you are selected for an interview.

9) Tailor Your Resume Towards Each Job:
This is the most important component to creating the “perfect resume.” Every position you apply to is likely a bit different from the next one. Some positions might be geared towards specific technologies or certifications, others might look for vertical market experience (such as banking, legal or medical). Therefore, why send a generic resume to each of them? Instead, tailor your resume towards every job that you submit yourself to. Add key words that match your experience with the IT job description. Tweak your job title to match that of the job posting (without fabricating of course).

By taking an extra couple of minutes to tailor your resume towards each IT job, you will set yourself up for success.

10) Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

Take the time to thoroughly review your resume. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Don’t lose out on an opportunity due to an oversight. Taking the extra time to proofread may mean the difference between getting that ever-important first interview.

For more advice, contact an IT Recruiter at AVID Technical Resources: resumes@avidtr.com or www.avidtr.com