Tag Archives: IT jobs

Words to Never Say at Your IT Job

IT professionals, especially ones that deal directly with clients, need to maintain an air of competence at all times in their IT jobs.  Because computers, phones, and the internet have become so imperative to most companies’ operations, information technology requires highly competent individuals.  There are plenty of ways to do this, but one of the best is for IT contractors to cleanse their vocabulary of some particular words when speaking to IT managers, IT recruiters, their IT consultants coworkers, and clients.  These words will all undercut your confidence and the confidence of the people you’re speaking in you.

  1. Partial time words like ‘usually’ or ‘often’: These words leave room for sometimes.  As in, sometimes I’m wrong.  Don’t leave that room if you can help it, because it’s better to leave the person you’re speaking to with the impression that you’re ‘always’ correct.
  2. Negative emotional words like ‘feel,’ or ‘concerned’ or ‘worried.’  At work, it’s better to leave obviously emotional words or statements to the side.  They give people a negative impression of your competence and sometimes they even make them uncomfortable.  Better to just state what’s going on, just the facts.  Your emotional reactions shouldn’t be part of the conversation.
  3. Noncommital words like ‘might,’ ‘likely,’ or ‘probably.’  There are times when these words have to be used, but as a rule, just don’t do it.  The employee everyone loves to work with and for is the one who has all the answers and can give them quickly and confidently.  When you add in these words, you waste time and look less than sure.  Leave them out unless you absolutely have to use them.


Should All IT Meetings Be ‘Stand Up Meetings’?

Recent studies show that IT professionals could benefit from making all their meetings stand up meetings—literally.  Recent studies show that when employees hold meetings while standing (versus sitting) they are far more creative and mentally engaged.  Everyone in the information technology industry, from IT recruiters, to IT contractors, to IT managers, could benefit from applying this information to their IT jobs.

Beyond simply applying this information to meetings, it’s worth noting that IT contractors and IT headhunters may benefit any time they stand at work.  Particularly in projects that require a great deal of creativity, it’s worth considering standing for at least part of the work you’ll be doing.  Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new idea pop out of nowhere!


Does Being Late Always Hurt Your IT Career?

For things like interviews, all IT recruiters require their IT contractors to be on time– or preferably, early.  But when it comes to day-to-day events or meetings, can IT professionals be late without hurting their reputations or losing their IT jobs?  The answer seems to be less than straightforward.

While no IT recruiting agencies would recommend that IT consultants be late on a regular basis, or really ever, it seems to work out alright for some IT managers.  Yahoo star Marissa Mayer is said to be constantly late for meetings.  Most Google execs are also often late to meetings, according to urban legend.  So perhaps the lesson here is that lateness is ok– if you’re a superstar.  Then again, maybe not!



Things You Should Never Say at Your IT Job

IT professionals are highly sought after in an information technology market with too few IT contractors and too many IT jobs.  However, this doesn’t make them infallible.  IT consultants still need to maintain high standards of excellence on the job.  IT recruiters and IT staffing firms can only place IT professionals who really wow their IT managers consistently.  To make sure you wow your manager start by avoiding saying these 3 phrases.

  1. That’s not part of my job description:  While some IT jobs will have very detailed job descriptions, it’s not acceptable to follow them to the letter.  The best IT professional is the one who is a true team player.  Doing your job description well is step one.  Stepping up and doing whatever else will help your team is also imperative.
  2. I haven’t gotten to that yet:  This, or any indication that you haven’t had time to get to something, is a big no-no.  You want to give the impression that you’re able to manage your time well and hit all your goals.  If you’re having trouble doing so, you may be able to seek out some help prioritizing.  However, it’s better if you couch things in those terms, rather than just looking like you’re overwhelmed and unorganized!
  3. So-and-So didn’t get that to me:  This, or any indication that it’s somebody else’s fault that something hasn’t been handled correctly should be avoided at all costs.  Being a team player, especially in IT, is crucial.  When you blame others, you make yourself look irresponsible and difficult to work with.


Are Vacations Becoming Extinct in IT?

As vacation season approaches, more IT professionals than any year since the recession started will be going on vacation.  This is a great sign, but there’s a slightly more unfortunate trend going on, as well.  The IT recruiters and IT contractors who are all taking these vacations will still be in touch with their IT managers or doing remote work for their IT jobs.  Why?

Though smartphones, wifi, and featherlight laptops and tablets aren’t new, they’re becoming more and more widespread in all fields (and of course especially information technology).  Employers have slowly begun to expect workers who will respond on a 24/7 basis, or at least near it.  There are plenty of benefits and cons to this change in the workforce, but the way employees spend their vacations is probably the most remarkable.  Only time will tell whether employees will continue to accept this kind of 24/7 standard of availability, or vacations will become extinct all together.



Are Your IT Employees Thinking of Leaving?

The bane of most IT managers is attrition.  Losing IT professionals hits a company hard, especially because the information technology industry in the US has far too few IT contractors and far too many IT jobs.  How can managers make sure they don’t lose valuable employees?  Pay attention to these important signs of unhappy IT contractors who may be circulating their resumes.

Firstly, an unhappy employee starts to take more time out of work without much, or with vague, explanations.  This time is usually for meeting with recruiters and doing interviews with other IT companies.  However, taking time off from work frequently isn’t enough of a sign on its own. There could be a health issue, etc.

A second sign is an employee taking a lot of personal calls at work and seeking a private area to speak.   Some personal calls are not abnormal, but a lot of personal calls might be a sign of recruiters or hiring managers reaching out.

Lastly, it’s worth noting when an employee becomes less enthusiastic, both socially and in regards to their work.  If they no longer leap for new assignments or join their colleagues for lunch, it’s a sign they’re probably checking out mentally.



Why a Bad Culture Fit Can Cost A Lot in IT

Good IT recruiters focus on making sure IT consultants are a great fit for IT jobs in terms of the skills on their resumes and in terms of personality.  This isn’t just for the comfort of the IT managers these IT staffing companies work for, it’s for the productivity of the company itself!  Recent studies show that the companies that really invest in their IT professionals and make them feel appreciated see that investment pay back in spades.

Why is this true?  To some extent, the answer is pretty intuitive.  IT contractors who feel appreciated by their companies also feel a sense of loyalty to them and have an interest in seeing them succeed.  This is partially selfish, as somebody who likes their job, managers, coworkers, etc will want to stay in the same spot.  Making sure the company does well makes this possible.  It’s also easier to be productive when you’re relaxed, calm, and happy.  Whatever the main reason, it’s clear that a good culture fit is really beneficial financially.


Can IT Professionals Cry at Work?

It may seem obvious, whether you’re in information technology or any other industry: It’s never ok to cry at work.  But the truth is, depending on the IT jobs and the IT managers, sometimes it may be acceptable.  While most IT recruiters and IT professionals would advise any IT contractor never to cry on the job, a few tears may not be so out of the cultural norms for some companies. Why?

There are some places, like non-profits, where a passionate IT consultant might fit in better with the workplace culture.  If a few tears escape, but they’re rare and don’t inhibit your managers and coworkers from having a productive relationship with you, don’t worry too much about it. When crying is controlled and clearly a biological reaction, not an attempt at manipulation or a common occurrence, it can be excusable.



Where You Should NEVER Search for IT Jobs

Most IT recruiters have had the awkward experience of speaking to an IT consultant about IT jobs—while they’re at their current job.   Even in fields like information technology, where IT Professionals should definitely know better, IT consultants still search for a job while at work. What’s so risky about this?

Searching for a job at work is a terrible idea for a few reasons.  Technical recruiters would be quick to point out that using your work computer for anything but work is already a bad start.  IT managers are absolutely allowed to check what you’re doing with work property, so they could easily find your job search materials and emails.  Besides exposing yourself to an untimely discovery of your job search, you’re also risking lower productivity in your job.  If you’re giving your work any less than 100%, you may be hurting your reputation. Looking for a new job is fine, but make sure to do it outside of the office—it’s the safest way to do it.


How to Ask Questions in IT Job Interviews

In interviews for IT jobs, IT managers will always provide time for the IT professionals they’re interviewing to ask questions. While this time might seem open, it’s important for IT recruiters to prep the IT consultants they’re working with to be prepared to follow the unwritten rules of asking questions in job interviews.

Firstly, IT contractors should know that the most important rule to follow is to always ask at least a few questions. Asking nothing makes you appear unengaged and/or unprepared. If you leave the time unused, you’ll most certainly be writing yourself off their short list for the job.

The second rule is to make sure that when asking questions, the IT professionals stay away from anything that sounds too demanding, indicates anything other than an impeccable work ethic, or gets into personal info of either the interviewer or themselves. There are plenty of questions that one may want to ask about the workplace culture or how the job will impact their life. But these questions are best left until after you have an offer in your hand. Otherwise, they create a terrible impression.