Tag Archives: IT managers

Entering a New IT Company’s Culture

Information technology offers a rich diversity of company cultures.  IT professionals can hardly point to one particular code of conduct or set of expectations that all IT managers follow.  IT staffing companies rarely encounter IT jobs that even have the same exact dress codes.  There are always little nuances that IT consultants and technical recruiters must dig a bit to uncover.  This diversity of company cultures that IT recruiters notice is hardly a burden, though.  With such a rich variety of codes of conduct, IT staffing agencies can easily find a company that is the perfect fit for their IT contractors.  On the other side of the coin, technical recruiters have a responsibility to make sure they are passing on more than resumes to the companies they work for.  IT recruiting companies must pass on IT job candidates who are good cultural fits, as well.


It’s a Startup World—in IT at Least

IT staffing firms have noticed IT managers and IT contractors heading to startupsin droves recently.  Information technology lends itself especially well to the start-up format, so it’s no wonder that IT consultants seem to find that company format the most alluring.  The speed of the Internet and technology in general certainly lends itself to small companies full of IT professionals who aim to grow at break-neck pace.  The easy accessibility and low cost of the tools needed in IT is also a factor in the startup boom that IT staffing companies have noticed.  IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA may also have seen startups growing in popularity due to the celebrity of companies like Facebook.  IT recruiting agencies could easily point to the narrative of success that has formed around fun, young startups that become successful overnight.  Whether this narrative is always, or even sometimes true, might be debatable among IT recruiting firms.  However, one thing that is not debatable is the staying power of the startup in the IT staffing companies’ landscape.  These kinds of companies have made their presence know to technical recruiters and they won’t be leaving for a while.

Multitasking and IT? Not Always Compatible

Like most professional fields, information technology has become enamored with the idea of multitasking.  IT managers, IT staffing firms, and IT contractors are all quick to tout the value of working on multiple projects at once.  However, IT professionals and IT recruiters should beware the multitasking-oriented viewpoint as sole indicator of success.  While resumes always look great with more accomplishments listed rather than less, IT staffing firms know that sometimes quality really does trump quantity.  This can be especially true when it comes to projects that IT consultants, like programmers, do that require copious attention to detail.  IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA would do themselves a service to work with somebody who has a stellar record of achievement rather than a long list of projects they did vaguely well on.  Glowing recommendations should guide technical recruiters’ interest rather than the density of a resume.

The Rise of the IT Celebrity

Technical recruiters and IT professionals have noticed a trend in information technology: the making of IT celebrities.  IT staffing firms, IT consultants, and IT managers are often not even remotely famous.  In fact, IT headhunters and IT contractors tend to be anonymous even at work, represented by their email signature or code rather than their actual voice or face.

IT recruiters CA aren’t the only ones noticing a sudden rise in profiles, IT recruiters Boston also have seen big names in IT start making the news.  IT headhunters read about one of Yahoo’s major players from the east coast when her name made news as her status as a cross-country telecommuter was jeopardized.  IT staffing firms are reading countless articles and blogs about people with IT jobs like Sheryl Sandberg and Sean Parker.  IT recruiting firms are noticing that these articles aren’t just focusing on resumes, either.  Sometimes lifestyle details like Sean Parker’s wedding are being read around the Internet by IT staffing companies.

Seating at IT Companies

IT staffing firms and IT managers know that sometimes where IT consultants sit during the day at work can have a huge impact on their performance.  IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA know that Information technology can have offices that feel particularly isolating, no matter how full they are.  IT recruiting agencies have seen firsthand that staring at a computer screen for 8 hours can pre-empt contact between IT consultants very effectively.  IT headhunters are seeing an increasing interest in seating that encourages serendipitous encounters between IT contractors.  Recently in the news, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer called all Yahoo IT professionals back to the office in order to promote more of these serendipitous encounters. More articles have touted the value of a seating chart that promotes teamwork in IT jobs and IT recruiting companies are looking for IT job candidates who are more amenable to these arrangements.


How Young IT grads Can Impress IT Recruiters Quickly

Technical recruiters and IT managers alike love working with young IT professionals.  However, IT staffing firms can only work with IT consultants that act as polished and professional, rather than young and inexperienced.  IT contractors whose resumes reflect little more than a recent graduation from school can do a few things to make themselves stand out to IT headhunters trying to fill IT jobs.

Recent grads starting in the information technology field will really wow IT recruiting agencies and IT headhunters by doing ample research before any interviews.  This means research about the company and interviewer if you happen to know their name. Another move that will really impress IT staffing agencies is to make sure one comes to an interview professionally dressed with no visible (or audible) cell phone (and no parents!!).   Lastly, IT recruiting companies look for candidates who have practiced their “elevator pitch” and answering tough interview questions.  Doing all of these things will make IT staffing firms take notice of a candidate—in the best way possible.

Eye Contact in the IT Workplace

A big way to make an impact at IT jobs is to correctly utilize a seemingly small thing: eye contact.  IT staffing firms and IT managers work with more than just resumes; they work with people.

IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA would all agree that a personable employee who makes a connection is preferable. IT consultants can make a big impression by making sure to maintain comfortable eye contact with co-workers and supervisors.  Especially in the information technology field, where IT contractors might constantly have a screen nearby, keeping their eyes on the person they’re talking to will be deeply appreciated. IT recruiting companies love to work with IT professionals who are especially adept at maintaining the right amount of eye contact: not too much (which can feel creepy) and not too little (which can feel rude).  IT staffing firms also appreciate working with job candidates who can correctly interpret eye contact.  Managers tend to look most at the people who perform well and are reliable in the office.  IT recruiting firms certainly want to work with the kinds of people who work hard to get that approving, interested gaze from management.

Does the Ivy League Matter in IT?

Do IT recruiting companies and IT managers hire based on what school you graduated from?  Does any school name carry value for IT contractors, even an Ivy name?  The New York Times recently published a column suggesting the answer to both these questions may no longer be a vehement “Yes.”

While the column has its own issues, IT staffing agencies have certainly noticed that there is a debate in information technology as to the value of a school’s name on resumes, let alone a degree itself.  Getting IT jobs today requires getting the attention of IT staffing companies as they are inundated with resumes. Sometimes a college name stands out to IT recruiting companies, but sometimes IT consultants are noted more for their skill sets or a demanding recent job. IT recruiting agencies are also finding that more and more IT contractors are attending college than previously.  This makes most college degrees, sometimes even Ivy League ones, seem somewhat devalued to IT recruiting companies.  These IT staffing firms would rather see an advanced degree from almost anywhere than a BA from Dartmouth or Harvard. Then of course, there are always the IT recruiting firms that skip the entire formal education requirement altogether and would prefer a Mark Zuckerberg type instead.


IT (and the Rest of the Nation) See a Rise in Women at Work

Like the rest of the nation, IT staffing companies are noticing the increasing growth of women in the workplace.  Information technology has long been a field dominated by male IT contractors and IT mangers, but as the economy slowly recovers, more and more women are showing up for IT jobs.

IT recruiting agencies could cite many reasons for this trend.  Women are becoming IT consultants as education becomes more and more accessible to everyone.  IT headhunters could point to the boom of IT-focused education programs in particular, which show up quite often on resumes.   IT staffing agencies would also note that in a recession, companies will attempt to save money by hiring IT professionals who cost less.  IT recruiters Boston to IT recruiters CA can all agree that women are still cheaper to hire than men.

Overall, IT recruiting companies can’t point to one particular reason, but women are definitely breaking into the workplace in significantly bigger numbers.


Pull Your Head Out of the Sand and Get in the Social Media Game

Information technology, more than in any other field, is not the place to lack presence on social media.  Whether you are IT professionals or a company with plenty of IT jobs, it’s imperative to make sure you put forth an image of yourself on social media.

IT recruiting companies, IT consultants, and IT managers cannot afford to leave their presence on social media to be defined by others.  By not creating your own profile, you are giving up the right to respond to criticism, harness praise, and present your own marketability to IT recruiting firms. IT recruiters CA to IT recruiters Boston use social media and the likelihood that somebody has already said something about you is high.  It’s important to create an online presence that clearly and concisely defines you as IT contractors or your company for IT staffing agencies.  Profiles are not resumes alone, though.  They also list praise from others and competently and cool engage any criticism.  The beauty of social media is that it lets you speak for yourself and add in relevant and flattering voices from others, thus creating the best possible profile for technical recruiters to see.