Tag Archives: IT professionals

Questions to Ask in an IT Job Interview

In a field like information technology, IT professionals often operate on shorter timelines and do short contracts with various companies.  Because IT consultants leave and enter new companies more often than most other professionals, it’s important they are great at impressing IT managers in interviews.  IT contractors can really wow their IT recruiters, IT managers, and score IT jobs when they consider one key fact in their interviews: Making sure they highlight how they can benefit the interviewing manager and company at large.

The best place to do this is in the questions section of an interview.  If you take the time to ask a few well-phrased questions, you can portray yourself as an invaluable asset to managers and teams.  Ask questions that get to the root of what a manager needs.  For instance, consider asking what you’d do in the role that would make the manager’s job easier.  Another way to impress an interviewer is to ask questions about what their best previous and current employees offer them.  If you show that you’re interested in what a company needs, you will exceed their expectations and show how valuable you can be to the company.


How to Keep Up Appearances When Telecommuting in IT

IT professionals are more like to get the opportunity to telecommute because of the progressive nature of the information technology industry.  Taking this option, whether it’s full time or only for a few days a month or once a week, brings a specific responsibility, though.  Because IT managers cannot actually see IT contractors working from home, it’s important they find a way to make sure their value and achievements in their IT jobs are highly visible anyways.  There are a few things IT consultants can do to make sure that their time telecommuting still looks highly productive to their IT managers, and in turn, the IT recruiters they work with.

1.    Be very accessible.  Make sure your coworkers and managers know how to reach you (perhaps with several methods) and be very responsive to all these methods.  If you aren’t physically in the office, it’s imperative to still be easy to contact.

2.    Set expectations with your manager, including setting up things like weekly meetings, phone calls, or email updates.  If you prove to your manager that you’re very interested in understanding their expectations and meeting them, you are actually demonstrating something larger.  The more independently you work, the more of an asset you become as an employee.  Getting work done with little management or supervision is golden.

3.    Make sure people know about your accomplishments and contributions.  Whether it’s coworkers or managers, they need a reminder that you still exist as a functioning part of your workplace.  Avoid being obnoxious about it, but do make sure your work speaks for you even if you don’t occupy a cubicle.


Deal-breakers in IT

All IT contractors have their deal-breakers for IT jobs.  Whether it’s poor management or abusive behavior from IT managers, options for telecommuting or flexible scheduling, or particular kinds of commutes or distances for commutes, there are just some reasons IT consultants will turn down a job IT staffing agencies recommend.

Deal-breakers are certainly acceptable, especially in a field like information technology, where the jobs are pretty plentiful.  In fact, they can also be very helpful if stated within reason to IT headhunters. IT recruiters want to know what IT professionals’ deal-breakers are so they avoid placing them in jobs that are not good fits for them long term.  If an IT professional keeps a deal-breaker under wraps, and then winds up in a job that has it, they won’t stay long.  This will potentially burn bridges for them, their IT recruiting agencies they work with, the hiring managers, and others.  Having a copious list of deal-breakers that make most jobs impossible is not going to do you any good.  However, being aware of your (reasonable) deal-breakers and making sure your technical recruiters are also aware of them will make your placements much more likely to be successful—for everyone involved.


Taking Risks in Your IT Career

Information technology demands certain certifications and education as entry tickets, but experience counts just as much for IT professionals when it comes to promotions and expanding their careers.  IT headhunters would advise IT contractors to be wary of taking IT jobs they aren’t prepared for, but the IT consultant who takes a job or project that sounds slightly unappealing or a little more challenging will be deeply rewarded.

Challenging experiences at work can really pay off later in the form of better offers of IT jobs from IT staffing agencies, better pay, and better confidence.  Technical recruiters can certainly vouch for the fact that taking some risks or making some sacrifices at work will pay off in the long run.  In such a hot market, no new IT skill will go unrewarded and getting great references or earning the respect of IT managers and IT headhunters will quickly pay off. So the next time you’re offered or come across a job or project outside your usual skill-set, seriously consider diving in anyways.  It might just propel your career to the next level.


Starting a New Job in IT

IT contractors start new IT jobs much more often than their counterparts in other fields.  The best IT consultants, the ones IT recruiting agencies love to work with, are the ones who know how to start a new job well.  IT headhunters really appreciate IT professionals who know how to make a great first impression with IT managers because that first impression really sets the tone for the rest of the contract.  Here are a few ways to start a job well:

1.      Create goals for yourself.  Make sure these goals are in line not only with your job description, but the company’s goals overall.  The best asset a manager can have is a report who understands the big picture.

2.      Don’t ignore your coworkers.  In fact, take time to make sure you get to know them a bit, try to do what you can to help them out, and make sure to give them credit where credit is due.  Being a team player is incredibly impressive because it’s not always easy to do.  If you put energy into actually making your teammates’ plates less full at work and their days more pleasant, you’ll be recognized for it.

3.      Figure out the office culture and try to blend into it as quickly as possible.  The best new employees are the ones who don’t feel new.  Figure out the written and unwritten rules at work and start to follow them as soon as possible.


How to Plan for Holiday Time in IT

IT professionals may have begun trying to figure out their holiday plans and what days to ask for off (or not) from their IT jobs.  IT consultants are particularly prone to having tough decisions to make around holiday time because information technology is often a 24/7 kind of field.  IT managers often need their IT contractors’ coverage even during days the rest of the country will close up shop. What, then, is the best way to approach the quandary of trying to get time off in a situation that requires hands on deck, if not all hands on deck, all the time?

Firstly, consider the needs of the company and the needs of your team as you make your decisions.  Making sure to take stock of major deadlines, releases, or what your teammates might need you for until the end of the year.  IT headhunters don’t like working with the kind of employees who don’t at least consider their employers’ and teammates needs.  Secondly, try to consider not only your personal situation, but your teammates’ personal situations.  Do they have children?  Do they need to travel for the holidays?  Or do they not care about them at all.  It is true that having children or being religious shouldn’t automatically give somebody particular holidays off and automatically stick everyone else with a day at work. However, it’s also the right thing to do as a teammate to at least make an effort to accommodate your teammates’ needs.  They’ll probably do the same for you in turn.    Lastly, consider checking into options for overtime or holiday pay. Don’t be demanding, but make sure you’re aware of all your options.  There may be overtime or time-and-a-half pay for holidays that you and your team are not aware of.  You may just wind up fighting for the chance to work on the holidays.


Making Job Interviews Two-Sided in IT

IT consultants and their IT staffing agencies often focus on how to approach interviewers so that IT managers are impressed.  While this strategy makes sense, it’s important for IT contractors to be sure that they are also impressed by the company, job description, and the managerial style they will be managed with.

IT staffing agencies and the candidates they work with will be well-served if they make sure that any interviews serve as a chance for contractors to figure out if they actually want the IT jobs in question.  The first benefit of really conducting a truly two-way interview is that IT recruiting companies and the IT professionals they’re working with make positive, long-lasting matches.  If a candidate winds up in a job they don’t like, or worse, can’t do, nobody really wins.  The second benefit is that positive business contacts are fostered all around.  IT headhunters make great relationships with hiring managers, the candidates they’re working with make good relationships with hiring managers and technical recruiters, and everyone walks away with their network expanded a bit.

Ensuring the job interview process is two-sided, not one-sided, might be intimidating at first.  However, with a robust Information Technology sector, IT professionals shouldn’t be concerned.  This is the perfect market to be picky in, and it’s better to land in a job that fits you well in the long run, anyways.


Fighting the Right Battles in Your IT Job

IT professionals may come across many inconveniences and deficiencies at their IT jobs.  Perhaps they are IT contractors, but would like to be taken on as permanent employees.  Perhaps they are lacking software or tools that would make their jobs easier and more effective.  Or perhaps they are just frustrated with the way their IT managers treat them.  Most IT consultants hold off on picking too many battles at their workplaces for fear of angering their bosses or the IT staffing firms that placed them in their jobs.  While this strategy makes sense, there are some battles IT headhunters might actually appreciate their contractors taking on.

IT recruiting agencies would certainly appreciate not having their candidate turn out to be whiny and difficult to manage.  The better a candidate is at putting their head down and getting a job done, the more technical recruiters will want to work with them again.  However, sometimes there are issues with the workplace that, if fixed, would benefit the company greatly.  Advocating cautiously with a well-researched solution can certainly get an IT manager’s attention.  Sometimes, even if your solution to an issue isn’t used, getting the conversation started is still a victory.  Perhaps a more effective procedure can be found at work or a cheaper or more efficient tool can be used.  Management and IT staffing companies will deeply appreciate an IT consultant who picks and fights suavely the battles that benefit his or her entire company.


How to Give a Great Reference in IT

When IT professionals are looking at new IT jobs, references might not seem quite as relevant as in other fields.  After all, information technology tends to require very specific skill sets and certifications on resumes. However, technical recruiters love to work with IT contractors who are prepared with stellar references.  IT staffing agencies particularly love to work with IT consultants whose references know how to give a stellar reference.  There are a few nuances to this.

Firstly, being informed about the position or types of positions somebody is applying to is key.  If you know what skills and strengths to highlight, you can make a person look like the best fit for a job.

Secondly, it’s best to provide an honest, but carefully edited reference.  Playing up skills that are unique and really make a candidate stand out will do wonders. Leaving out personal qualities that could be controversial will also do just as much.  Providing too much personal detail or too bland a reference, or something that is just a bold-faced lie, won’t do the candidate any good.  In fact, it could harm them.  If not in the job process, perhaps they land in a job that they are a terrible fit for and get fired down the road.


How to Handle Being Fired in IT

IT professionals, like most other professionals, are just as likely to experience being fired at least once over the course of their working lives.  Technical recruiters certainly don’t prefer finding a firing (or two) on their IT consultants’ resumes, but they are not the end of the world.  IT headhunters are not thrown if IT contractors handle firings in a professional, graceful manner both in behavior and on their resume.   What are the steps to take to make sure a firing doesn’t dent your career?

Firstly, if your IT managers fire you, maintain a calm demeanor publicly.  This especially extends to your social media and online presence.  Giving anything less than a calm response could burn bridges, hurt your dignity, or result in legal action at the very worst case scenario.

Secondly, take time to be upset privately, but don’t let it hinder you from moving  forward quickly.  Start contacting IT staffing agencies and formulating a contingency plan.  Looking at new IT jobs and working hard to get yourself into a new one, rather than wallowing, will be key in making sure your resume doesn’t really reflect this hiccup in your career.

Lastly, when you finally do land a new job, enter it as though you were not just fired.  Don’t allow that event to dent your confidence in learning your new job, taking on new responsibilities, and interacting with your new coworkers.  This firing may not actually say much about your competence as any employee, anyways.  Even if it does point to a weakness, learn from it and move on.  Focusing on past failures will be one of the surest ways to repeat it again in the future.