Failing in IT? It’s Ok!
IT recruiters CA to IT recruiters Boston tend to subscribe to the conventional wisdom about failure: avoid it. But technical recruiters and IT professionals should seriously re-think their concept of failure.
As the founder of Linked In, Reid Hoffman, is now advocating in his new book, failure is merely an opportunity to learn in your career. Hoffman suggests IT recruiters and IT consultants consider taking more risks in their careers and become more comfortable with the result when things don’t always work out. The lessons IT staffing agencies or IT contractors can learn from risks and failures far outweigh the other consequences—even if it’s a firing. The information technology industry is an especially hospitable field to fail in. With resumes full of contracting stints and innovative projects that sometimes do and don’t work, taking risks looks downright de riguer. Perhaps one of the most interesting reasons why Hoffman advocates a healthy acceptance of risk and failure is the way he views career paths overall: They are full of uncertainty, which is a good thing. IT headhunters or IT mangers never know what great surprise is around the bend.