How to Write Thank You Notes that Get IT Jobs
All IT recruiters and IT staffing firms are adamant that IT contractors write thank you notes to interviewers and IT managers. However, a shocking number of IT consultants don’t do it. While it’s hard to say why some IT professionals would choose not to use this huge advantage in their search for IT jobs, but one reason may be that they’re unsure how to write effective thank you notes. Here are some tips that will transform your thank you notes.
1. Use them to head off any concerns: If you detected any concerns from your interviewer(s) you can use your thank you note as a way to address them. Avoid coming off as defensive, but simply acknowledging the concern and giving a response to it will go a long way.
2. Reiterate why you’re a great fit: You can give your interviewer a strong impression of why you’d be a great candidate in your thank you note. Explicitly list relevant skills experience, and past achievements. Drive home your point one more time, but this time, do it in writing!
3. Share resources: If you spoke about an article, a business solution, etc, use your thank you note to share it. This is a moment to show off your resourcefulness, your research skills, and thoroughness.