Tag Archives: IT recruiters CA

IT Staffing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

For IT recruiters Boston, it’s a marathon not a sprint.  Many technical recruiters enter the IT staffing industry full of energy and vigor, but fade fast.  Many technical recruiters Boston simply get burned out.  The IT recruiting industry is a marathon – you must be in it for the long haul to truly succeed and reap its many rewards.

Successful IT recruiters place hundreds of candidates over their first 4-5 years.  As time passes, many of these placements will climb the corporate ladder and ultimately become hiring IT managers (that will ultimately need to utilize IT recruiting companies to fill their technical needs).  Therefore, as time passes, successful IT recruiters CA keep in close touch with their placements (IT recruiting tip:  utilize Linkedin.  It makes keeping tabs on your placements easy); ultimately becoming the IT staffing resource for these contacts.

The technical staffing industry has it’s many ups and downs.  Technical recruiters CA have to expect the roller coaster ride of emotion that comes with the job and perservere through the tough times.  The IT recruiting firms that are in it for the long haul understand that the industry is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

The Importance of Organization in IT Recruiting

One of the most important attributes to succesful IT recruiters is becoming, and remaining, organized.  IT recruiters Boston talk to hundreds of candidates each week.  It doesn’t do IT staffing firms any good if their respective technical recruiters can’t go back into their ATS system and find the candidate.

While most ATS systems can help IT recruiters CA remain organized, the reality is that it’s up to the respective IT headhunters.  Each must make a committment to stick with a system that works for them to find their information technology candidates.  Whether it’s a notebook, paper folders, Microsoft Outlook, Excel or the IT staffing agencies CRM, a resume database is a critical component to success in the IT recruiting industry.  However, finding the candidates is what leads to the submittals and ultimately the IT job placement.

The Best IT Recruiters are Like Gold

The IT recruiting industry is a rollercoaster of a ride with many ups and downs.  Successful IT recruiters typically can roll with the punches and have a steadfast drive and determination to succeed.  Those IT recruiting companies that are lucky enough to have one or more successful IT recruiters Boston, they need to hold on to them like they’re gold because they’re rare.

When you combine a strong work ethic with tenacity and determination, coupled with organization and articulation, you get IT recruiters CA who drive revenue for their respective IT staffing companies.  Those IT recruiting agencies need to treat them like gold because they’re rare.

When you get technical recruiters who are honest and of high, quality character, you get IT recruiters MA who help positively affect people’s lives and add/fill IT jobs for our nation’s economy.  Those IT recruiting firms need to treat them like gold because unfortunately they’re rare.

When you get technical recruiters Boston who are willing to help their peers and put the interest of the candidates and/or the IT staffing agency ahead of their own, you need to treat them like gold because they’re rare.

At AVID Technical Resources, we’re lucky to be one of the top IT staffing companies Boston because we have a team of recruiters with these qualities.

The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get

The IT staffing industry is not unlike many other sales positions.  The more activity you put out, the better your odds of success.  For IT recruiters, this translates into calls.  Ultimately, the more calls you make in a day, the better your chance of finding those perfect information technology professionals for your high-tech jobs.

Technical recruiters who work hard throughout the day might make as many as a 75-100 calls and emails.  While this can be exhausting, this will likely mean dozens of responses from prospective IT job candidates.   For those IT recruiters Boston who do additional work from the comfort of their own home at night, the next day can literally feel like Christmas as they log on to their computer to await the responses from interested candidates.

The best IT recruiting firms understand the importance of high activity.  No matter how strong of a salesperson you are, if you make half the calls as your competition working for other IT staffing agencies, they will win out every time.  You may make that first placement, but over the course of time, other IT recruiters CA will win.

Technical recruiters Boston who do not make a high number of calls not only stunt their growth, the growth of their IT staffing agency, but also just make for a very slow day.  Your peer who put out 100+ calls the prior day is walking into a barrage of responses the next day while you may not have any due to your weak activity.  This translates into a slow, boring day….without much of a chance of making commissions.

If you find yourself working in the IT staffing industry, then follow my lead.  Make as many calls as possible and you’ll find success.  Ultimately, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

For technical recruiters working in the IT staffing industry, the early bird gets the worm.  Because technical job boards are such a major resources for IT recruiters, and sites such as Monster.com dominate the market for prospective IT job seekers, the earlier IT recruiting companies open the door to allow their IT recruiters Boston to log into these sites the better.  Ultimately, thousands of candidates post their resumes every day.  Therefore, typically the first IT headhunters to reach out to each will have the right to submit their resume to the appropriate IT jobs.  Additionally, ties do not go to the runner, the first IT recruiter to email a candidate will usually be the IT headhunter that the candidate will work with.

Therefore, IT staffing agencies should open their doors by 8am at the latest.  Otherwise, provide keys or a swipe pass to their IT recruiters CA so the early birds can get the worm.

Sending Paper Resumes To IT Recruiters

As an IT recruiter working for one of the fastest growing IT staffing companies Boston, we periodically receive paper resumes blindly sent from candidates in the information technology industry.  Here are 3 reasons why prospective candidates should not send paper resumes to technical recruiters:

1)  They get thrown away:  IT recruiters Boston typically look at paper resumes as a sign that the candidates are not technically saavy enough to utilize email.  Therefore, paper resumes are more of a red flag than a summary of one’s life technical work.

2)  It “ages” you:  Mailing your resume a decade+ ago was your only option of getting your informatioin to IT recruiting companies.  Therefore, this is typically associated with a technique someone from an older generation would do.  While you cannot IT job descriminate, this certainly does not help your chances of landing one of the technical jobs that the IT recruiting company has posted on their website.

3)  They will not be added to the database:  Because it’s paper, technical recruiters will have to scan the resume in order add it to their IT job database.  When you’re looking at hundreds of technical resumes every day, and cal easily parse them with a click or two of a button, then human nature is going to win over and you’re not going to take the extra steps involved in scanning a resume into your IT staffing database (especially knowing #1 and #2 above).

Therefore, if you’re a prospective IT job candidate, save your forty-five cents and email your resume to as many IT recruiters CA and IT staffing firms as you can.  Most will be added to their respective resume databases.