Tag Archives: IT recruiters

How IT Recruiting Firms Can Help You Relocate

Sometimes you have reasons to move across the country: your spouse or partner got a new job, you want to be closer to family, or maybe you just need a change of scenery. When it’s time to make a huge move like this, getting a new job will be a big piece of the puzzle. To figure out this part of your moving plan, you should seriously consider working with IT staffing companies. In fact, IT recruiting firms are especially helpful with this kind of task. Here are 2 reasons why:

  1. They’re local to the area. Reaching out to IT staffing firms can be a great way to conduct your job search if you’re picking an area that you’re not familiar with. Or perhaps you’re looking at an area that you’re a little familiar with but haven’t been back to in a while. Either way, good IT recruiters will advise you on what jobs can give you a good commute or they can advise you on what part of town you should live in to optimize your options for IT jobs.
  2. They can help you find the job that suits you. Besides knowing the area geographically, IT recruiting agencies know detailed information about the employers in it. They can tell you what technical skill-sets is in-demand in each area so you can build up or tailor your resume. They can also tell you which companies have good reputations as employers (and what companies don’t). This is the kind of information you need to be able to find a job that you can be happy and succeed in. It’s not just about landing any job that will hire you! You want a job that values your skills and experience and has a corporate culture you fit into and enjoy. It can be hard to find this on your own, but luckily you don’t have to. Good IT staffing agencies build strong relationships with local employers. They make it their business to know what technical skills and experiences these employers need, as well as what kind of work environment they offer. You can capitalize on this insight when you build a good relationship with technical recruiters wherever you relocate.

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Relocating IT jobs
Moving to a new state or area of the country? Good IT recruiters can help you with that! Photo credit: andreas160578 via Pixabay.

How to Add Volunteering and Community Service to Your Tech Resume

There are sections of your technical resume that are obviously necessary: your technical proficiencies, the jobs you’ve held, your education section, etc. But there are some parts that aren’t so clear. Do you include an objective? Should you include your hobbies? One section that candidates often have questions about, and one that could actually add a lot to your candidacy if done correctly, is volunteering and community service. When is it advantageous to add your volunteer and community service experience to your technical resume? When does it hurt you? How do you add it? Here are some tips from IT recruiters for deciding what you should keep—and cut—from your resume.

Keep: If you’re applying to a job with a non-profit or a company that really values community service and volunteering, then keep it all. (You can ask your technical recruiters about a company’s interest in community service if it’s not obvious.) Show off any relevant experience on your resume to build yourself up as the kind of candidate that fits well into their culture of giving back to the community.

If you’re not applying to a non-profit or company like this, you may still want to keep some of your volunteering experience. IT staffing firms sometimes come across candidates who’ve donated their technical expertise to the community or local organizations by creating web sites, blogs, or other technical projects for free.  This is very relevant to your candidacy. Include it on your resume, especially if the project you worked on could be similar to the work you’d be doing in your target jobs.

Cut: As mentioned above, when you’re applying to companies that aren’t as concerned with volunteer or community service (often these are more corporate employers), then cut that section. Use the space on your resume to build up your candidacy better. Talk about your technical skills and experience. You only get to submit one resume to hiring managers and IT staffing companies. Make sure every single letter, punctuation mark, and space on that resume builds your candidacy. (If talking about your volunteering and community service interests is really important to you, you may find time to discuss it in job interviews– if it’s relevant to the discussion, of course!)

How to Add it: Create one brief, separate, section at the very bottom of your resume. Put it below your education (which will often be the last section). Format your volunteering stints as jobs. If you have information about technical experience, list it in bullets like you would under a job. Keep the language unemotional here, as you would on any other part of your resume. While you might feel passionate about your volunteer activities, keep subjective phrasing out of this section. Simply state your contributions to the organization and highlight how it might strengthen your candidacy.

If the work is especially relevant to any particular roles, you should take advantage of that. As you tailor your resume to the role (ideally candidates tailor their resume to each role their IT staffing firms submit them to), make sure your description of this volunteer experience explicitly highlights the similarities between that and the projected work for the role. Don’t be afraid to really spell it out for hiring managers. They’re skimming many, many resumes. Make yours stand out!

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Volunteering on tech resumes
Don’t forget to add your community service experience to your resume when applying to nonprofits. Photo credit: skeeze via Pixabay.


Use This Tip in Your Next Tech Job Search

IT staffing companies hear about plenty of secret weapons candidates can pull out when searching for new IT jobs.  Sometimes it’s a great interview question.  Sometimes it’s a suit that makes you feel confident.  Here’s another to add to your arsenal: take the time to show a deep interest in everything about the role that really matters to tech employers.  It’s not just about saying you love the job description.  Hiring managers in tech want to see an interest in 2 particular areas: The corporate culture and the company’s work.  Here’s how to effectively demonstrate interest in both.

Corporate Culture:  Other industries may be catching up to tech in this respect, but corporate culture has been nearly imperative to tech employers for a long time.  With the popularization of Scrum and Agile, it has been even more important.  If you don’t fit into a team on a social level, then collaboration, and thus real success, will be difficult.  So how do you make it apparent that you’re interested in a company’s corporate culture?  Start with research.  Check out their Glassdoor reviews. Talk to your technical recruiters.  Check out their website.  Be able to discuss their corporate culture and come up with questions of your own about it.  Try asking questions like these: It seems like [fill in the blank with relevant soft skills] are necessary for being successful at this company.  Is this true? Are there other soft skills they prize more? What do you love about working at this company?

The company and its products: As an IT professional, it’s obvious you’ll be asking about things like the tech stack, the projects the role is assigned to, etc.  IT recruiting firms find that the candidates who land jobs go a little further, though.  Hiring managers in tech love when candidates are interested in the way the technical workload supports the business.  Demonstrate, for instance, that you’re thinking beyond what you’ll be coding.  You’re thinking about what you’ll be coding and how it can serve the client better.  To show an interest in the business-side of the company, not just its tech side, do some deeper research than just a quick Google search of the company.  Look at their website, but also look at recent news articles.  Ask your IT recruiters if they have any recommended materials to check out.  A good test of the depth of your knowledge is if you can talk about the company in terms of what others say about them, not just what they say about themselves.

IT job search tips
Do your research on the companies you interview. A simple Google search isn’t enough. Photo credit: geralt via Pixabay.

Should You Use Resume Gimmicks?

If you’re an IT professional searching for your next job, you probably want to steer clear of any resume gimmicks.  We’ve all heard or read about tricks that make your resume “stand out” to IT recruiters or hiring managers.  Maybe it’s sending your resume in hard copy, using a creative, flashy format, or any number of other unconventional ideas.  The problem is that resume gimmicks are usually terrible ideas that will actually seriously hurt your credibility with IT staffing companies and employers.  The one exception to this rule is if you’re formatting to show off artistic skills that are relevant to the job listing.  Graphic designers, UX/UI developers, and similar roles can often benefit from a resume that’s formatted with aesthetic creativity.  For everyone else in tech, though, here’s why you need to create the standard, conventional resume if you want to land great IT jobs.

  1. Resume gimmicks make your resume look even more generic. Ideally, IT staffing firms suggest that you tailor your resume to every job you’re applying to.  This shows a real interest in the role, the work, the company, or all three.  Tech employers are notorious for asking technical recruiters to help find candidates who are passionate about the work they do, their company culture, etc.  When you offer a gimmicky resume, it doesn’t help make your resume look like you’ve tailored it to the role, and thus can lead employers to think there’ s a lack of passion for the position, technologies, company culture, etc.  Often people will mass produce and send out gimmicky resumes.  Gimmicks are rarely tailored to the employer.  Based on this pattern, you’ve already potentially taken yourself down a few notches in the employer’s eye.
  1. Resume gimmicks make it harder for employer and IT recruiting agencies to see exactly what skills, experience, and technologies you have. Most tech positions require that you have certain technologies, skills, etc.  Not having them can be a huge problem and seriously impede your ability to handle the workload.  For this reason, the strongest resumes cleanly lay out what skills or technologies the candidate has and how they’ve applied in them in previous positions.  Don’t distract IT recruiters or employers with something flashy and irrelevant, like an unconventional format.  You also don’t want to take space away from achieving this goal.  Often, these gimmicky resumes require extra space for graphics—space that you could be using to show off your technical acumen.  You don’t want to hurt your chances for landing a job because an employer sees your funky resume, but isn’t sure you have hands-on experience with a certain programming language or web platform.
  1. Resume gimmicks make it seem like you’re trying to hide something. Often the people who use gimmicky resumes do so because they’re not confident in their experience or technical skills.  Rightly or wrongly, some supspicious hiring managers will nix a resume just because it’s gimmicky-looking.  Particularly in tech, where positions are so imperative to a company’s success and salaries are higher, a manager can’t risk making a bad hiring decision.  It’s just too expensive.  Don’t risk being rejected just because your gimmicky resume set off a suspicious hiring manager’s radar!  Create a simple, straight-forward resume that shows why you’re ready to contribute to an employer.

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Resume tips
Will a flashy format land you the tech job? Photo credit: freeGraphicToday via Pixabay.


Fix This Mistake on Your Tech Resume

Having a brief, but effective resume is important when you’re looking for new IT jobs.  While most recruiters would say the 1-page rule is less important for IT professionals, it’s still advantageous to create a resume with all the fat trimmed.  Considering how pressed for time most IT recruiters and hiring managers are, you shouldn’t expect a long, leisurely read of your resume.  In fact, sometimes a resume that’s repetitive, full of excessive technical details, or even unnecessary personal information, hobbies, etc can just take you out of the running for a job completely.  This is especially true when you’re entry level.  Technical recruiters expect a shorter resume when you have less than 5 years of experience.  Here’s one of the worst ways IT staffing companies see IT professionals waste space on their resume: advertising for their previous employers.

This mistake is pretty easy to spot.  Many candidates will put a sentence or two under the name of the company on their resume.  They’ll describe the products the company offers, its reputation, most notable awards, etc.  Sometimes this will be integrated into the bullet points under the employer.  Some artful candidates will try to link their own role to this description of the company.  No matter how it’s done, though, this practice is a terrible idea.  Here are two reasons why you’re only hurting yourself and turning out a less-than stellar resume when you do this.

  1. You’re losing space to boost your own candidacy. Especially when it comes to the text and bullets under the employer, this is the time to showcase your skills and achievements.  Bullets under a job should help an employer picture you as a new and valuable asset to their team.  When you waste even a sentence describing what your previous employer did, their awards, etc, it’s a shame.  That sentence could have been more proof that you are an excellent catch for employers!  When you’re entry level, you’re wasting even more precious space.  Considering how short IT recruiting firms expect your resume to be, every sentence becomes all the more valuable.  Even if you’re not entry level, you’re potentially losing a recruiter or hiring manager’s interest.  When a hiring manager comes across information about the company, not the candidate, they may just start skimming the resume.  Keep their attention by making sure every bullet point under each job is something they want and need to know, not something they could look up on the web or a Fortune 500 company directory!
  1. You look less professional, if not naïve and entry level. Like most resume mistakes, this one can lead IT staffing firms and hiring managers to assume that you are pretty entry level or don’t have a firm grasp of professional norms.  Considering how much responsibility tech professionals often get (as most of their work is so mission critical and imperative for the success of the company) it’s important you look completely professional and trustworthy.

Don’t let a small mistake like this potentially mar your candidacy.  Delete those lines advertising your former employer.  Replace them with achievements, contributions to your team, and the kinds of skills that will excite your potential employers.

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IT resume mistakes
Want to make sure your resume doesn’t wind up in the trash bin? Start by not advertising for former employers. Photo credit: Ramdlon via Pixabay.


Why Some Employers Won’t Tell You Why You Didn’t Land the Job

For some candidates, the hardest part of searching for new IT jobs is not getting feedback when they don’t land the job.  IT professionals are often pretty disappointed to hear nothing back after they apply for a job, after their IT recruiters submit them for a job, or after they interview.  Here’s why you might not get feedback—and what you can do about it.

You may not hear back from employers because they simply don’t give anybody feedback unless they land the job.  Many companies are nervous about giving feedback for 4 reasons.  

  1. Firstly, companies don’t want to say anything that can even remotely run the risk of opening them up for a lawsuit. Even if they haven’t done anything wrong, companies can still be sued over hiring decisions.
  1. Another reason an employer might not give feedback is because they’re concerned a candidate may only see it as an opening to argue for their candidacy. IT recruiting firms see this happen relatively often.  Candidates can have a hard time taking feedback without arguing for their candidacy.  This is so uncomfortable that many employers simply created a blanket rule to never give any feedback.
  1. Additionally, you may not hear why you didn’t land a tech job because the hiring manager simply doesn’t have time to give the feedback. Often in tech, managers are working against release dates and deadlines that move at the speed of technology.  Searching for new employees on top of that can leave their plate very full.  Some managers simply won’t have time to give a reason why they rejected candidates, particularly if they didn’t make it to the interview stage.
  1. The last reason an employer might not give feedback is because their candidate liaison isn’t technical enough to do it. Sometimes HR will act as liaison with candidates, and they simply don’t have the technical expertise and experience to understand, let alone share with the candidate, why they didn’t land the job.

What can you do if you don’t hear feedback?  Can you do anything to try to get feedback?  Here are 2 tips.

  1. Start by re-calibrating your expectations. If you go into the job search process expecting feedback from employers, you’re likely to be let down.  Especially when you don’t make it to the interview stage, it’s very likely you won’t hear why you were passed on.  You may be slightly more likely to get some feedback if you’re working with technical recruiters, although this also isn’t a guarantee, either.  It’s better to be pleasantly surprised with feedback rather than upset when you don’t get it!
  1. Remember that feedback may not help you much anyways. IT recruiting agencies find that the reason why candidates don’t land the job isn’t always something they could have improved upon for next time.  Perhaps a candidate didn’t land the job because they needed to get more experience with this programming language or that development method.  But it’s also possible you didn’t land the job because the company liked another candidate better, decided they wanted to hire somebody with a slightly different skill-set than they initially posted, etc. When you don’t land a job, it doesn’t mean that you failed.  You just didn’t land that job.  It’s important to keep in mind that you want to land a job that you’re totally qualified for, would reasonably enjoy, and would be able to be successful in right now.   If you don’t land a job, consider it a blessing.  You’ve been saved from a job that just wasn’t a good fit for you.  You don’t need detailed feedback to take comfort in that information.    
IT job search hearing feedback
Waiting to hear feedback is always harder if you expect it. Photo credit: Hans via Pixabay.


Don’t Decide It’s Your ‘Dream IT Job’ Until You Interview

Sometimes job seekers will come across postings for IT jobs that seem perfect. The employer might offer ideal tech stacks, amazing perks, or remote work options.  Candidates will fall in love, declare it’s their dream job, pin their hopes on it, and sometimes focus solely on applying to that job.  It’s ok to know what you want, but don’t fall into the ‘Dream Job’ trap. IT recruiters would caution against deciding any tech job is your dream job, just based on a job posting.  Here’s why:

1. The job may become different than what is posted.  There are a few reasons why IT staffing firms see this happen.  A company may change its tech stack, the projects it’s hiring for, or the job description of the role itself.  Sometimes these changes occur as a company is interviewing candidates. This means the job you interview for might require different skills than the one you applied to or asked your IT recruiters to submit you to.  If you have decided a job is your ‘dream job’ before the interview, you’d be sorely disappointed by this change; you may have even put your job search on hold to focus on this job.  Be open to new opportunities, let your technical recruiters submit you for roles, but don’t label any of them your ‘dream job’ until after the interview!

2. You don’t know what the culture of the company and team is like until you interview.  While this wasn’t always the case, fitting into the corporate culture is becoming very important in tech roles.  With the increasing emphasis on innovation and teamwork, Scrum and Agile are becoming the development methodologies that most tech teams operate on.  If you don’t fit into the culture, you won’t be able to do your job well, especially on a Scrum or Agile team.  So wait to decide if a job is your ‘dream job’ until after you interview and meet the team.  You have to like them as much as the work—if not more!

3. The job description may be the same currently, but technologies or job descriptions could change in the near future.  Companies go through development changes all the time, and IT recruiting agencies find that sometimes they’re helping a company hire somebody who must have two sets of skills: one for the current projects, and one for projects the company will be pursuing in the future.  Your interviewer may be upfront about this, or you may want to ask some questions yourself.  You can ask in the interview if the company plans to adopt any new programming languages, development methods, etc.  It’s important that before you decide an IT job is your dream job, you get a sense of what the job is now, and what it will be in the future.

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dream IT job
Don’t set your heart on the job until you know if it’s exactly what you want. Photo credit: Ana_J via Pixabay.


Can Your Parents or Spouse Call Employers for You During Your Tech Job Search?

Occasionally IT recruiters and hiring managers get calls or emails about jobs from a strange place: a job seeker’s spouse or parents.  IT recruiting agencies and employers will get everything from initial inquiries, follow up calls or emails, actual job applications from an IT professional’s wife, mother, boyfriend, etc.  While it may seem like this is a just a supportive gesture from a loved one, it can actually hamper one’s job search, if not a candidate’s reputation.  Here’s why you need to make sure you are the point of contact for your own job search—as well as what your family members can do to help with your job search effectively.

Having your parents, spouse, etc reach out to employers and IT staffing firms on your behalf makes you look less professional and/or unmotivated.  As with most other elements of the job search, there are basic expectations about who speaks for you.  Professional norms dictate that either you or your technical recruiters submit your applications, follow-ups, inquiries, etc.  Anything else will be confusing and make it look like you aren’t aware of this (and thus probably other) professional norms.  Hiring managers might assume that if you have your parent or spouse call on your behalf, then you aren’t ready to participate in the workforce because you just don’t understand how to interact with employers.

Besides making you look unprofessional, a call or email from your parent or spouse will make you seem unmotivated.  IT recruiting companies and hiring managers want you to make these calls and emails because you’re ultimately invested in landing new IT jobs.  If somebody else is calling for you, it could look like you’re not interested enough to do it yourself.  Especially in tech, where a passion for the work, the company, the team, or some combination of all of these is so imperative, you don’t want to present yourself as possibly disinterested in your own candidacy.  Show you care about the jobs you’re applying to (or discussing with your recruiters) by making all calls and emails yourself.  Don’t ask your spouse, parents, etc to do it for you.

Having your spouse or parents reach out to employers and IT recruiters on your behalf could ruin your reputation.  The tech field can be a small place.  Between the popularity of LinkedIn (which can help connect all hiring managers to each other) and the small number of qualified IT professionals who move around to similar jobs and companies, your reputation can be paramount. It’s very easy for a manager to do a back-door reference on you or for IT staffing companies to blackball you.  Thus if you continually make a mistake, like having your parents call on your behalf about your job application, many people might hear about it.  Even if you find a job now, you’ll likely be looking for one in the future.  Don’t hurt your chances of finding IT jobs by becoming known as the unprofessional candidate who outsources their job search to the wife, husband, parents, etc.

What can a spouse, parent, or family member do to successfully help you with your job search?  IT staffing agencies suggest that you tell well-meaning loved ones to help by doing a few things behind the scenes.  A parent or spouse can find and send you jobs to apply to (while not completing the application themselves!), suggest companies you may want to apply to, or find IT recruiting firms you might want to work with.  They can also help write  your resumes and cover letters or practice for interviewers.  Of course, as the candidate, you will have to be your own advocate. Employers and recruiters should speak with you and only you.  But that doesn’t mean that your loved ones can’t help prepare you to interact with employers and recruiters.  In fact, it’s often encouraged, especially when it comes to interview preparation!

IT job search tips
Tell your spouse to hold off on calling that recruiter for you! Photo credit: JESHOOTS via Pixabay.

Q and A about Jumpiness in Tech Resumes

When you’re working in the tech field, there’s a lot of temptation to jump around from job to job.  Between IT recruiters who reach out to passive candidates, new roles that offer hands-on experience with hot new technologies, and employers who offer roles with big pay raises, it can be hard to stay loyal and stick with your IT jobs for the expected 1, 2, or more years.  As a general rule, It’s important to avoid all of this temptation, though and try to maintain some decently long stints at each employer you work at. Here are some common questions and answers that IT staffing firms often get asked about about jumpiness in a tech career.

Is there ever a time when jumpiness is ok for IT professionals?   Especially in tech there are times when some jumpiness is completely acceptable.  Contracting is the most obvious example.  IT recruiting agencies find that hiring managers don’t mind a couple of years of contracting in a resume.  This can be pretty normal for the field and can certainly help as you begin your career or seek out experience with new technologies.  Additionally, it’s also fine to have shorter stints at jobs for the usual reasons: a company is acquired or you must move to a different part of the country.

Why is jumpiness a problem on a tech resume, then? Employers in the tech field have a few reasons why they prefer to hire candidates with long, solid stays at most (if not all) their jobs.  Firstly, many tech roles are well-paid.  This means that a company needs to make a good investment and hire a candidate who’s reliable, prepared, and ready to make some big contributions.  Losing candidates every six months, even sometimes every year, can be a bad investment for an employer.  It’s hard to contribute a lot to the company when you’re not around long enough!  It’s also hard to rely on a candidate when employers are constantly concerned they’ll be leaving for new opportunity with a higher salary, fresher technologies, etc.

Another reason employers don’t want to hire people with excessively jumpy resumes is related to training.  Many tech roles require in-depth training for candidates to really contribute to the workload.  There’s a ramp-up period that can’t be avoided.  Due to this ramp-up period, employers don’t want to hire IT professionals who won’t stick around for a long time.  They don’t want to be training a new person, and thus losing time and productivity, every six months, year, etc.

The last reason tech employers want to see less jumpiness in a resume is that long stays at a company can indicate more experience with long-term projects.  Long-term, organizational projects can take years.  If you’ve never been any place longer than a few months, you haven’t been able to participate in one of these kinds of projects from start to finish (or even close to it).

How do you polish jumpiness in your own resume so it’s appealing to technical recruiters and hiring managers? If you have the kind of jumpiness that’s acceptable, make sure to indicate the reasons why you left jobs. Did you leave a job after 3 months because the company was acquired?  Write that as your last bullet.  Keep it brief and professional.  A long bullet with a sob story won’t help market you to employers.  In fact, it will likely hurt you.

If you have a rash of contracting jobs in your career, make the bullets in each of them great.  Show off your contributions and professional achievements. You want employers to see that even though you weren’t at a company long, you added value while you were there. 

IT resume tips
Jumpiness in a tech resume won’t always land you the job. Photo credit: Pexels via Pixabay.


Why Tech Resumes Should Be in Chronological, Not Functional Format

If you’re on the hunt for new IT jobs, you might be considering ways to format your resume.  While they’re not the most common format, IT recruiting firms do see a lot of functional format resumes from candidates. Functional format resumes, as opposed to chronological resumes, are based around a candidate’s skills instead of when they held each job.  Instead of listing each job in a timeline, functional format resumes list jobs and projects grouped under the kinds of skills used or titles held.  While it can be tempting to write this kind of resume in an especially skills-oriented field like tech, this is pretty inadvisable.  Here are three reasons why IT staffing companies suggest you only write chronological resumes if you’re an IT professional.

1. Chronological resumes help hiring managers and IT recruiters see your career progression and any employment gaps (or lack thereof) easily.  In a field like tech, this is very important.  The unemployment rate is so low that hiring managers tend to view long employment gaps as red flags.  Career progression isn’t a field-specific criterion, but it is still pretty important for hiring managers in tech.  For instance, if you’ve stayed in a Help Desk role for over 5 years, but want to be a Systems Engineer, technical recruiters will have a hard time submitting you to roles like that.  When you use a functional format resume, it can be difficult to quickly discern your career progression or if you have any employment gaps.  If it’s too time-consuming or difficult to see these things on your resume, a hiring manager may just toss it and move on to another candidate with a clearer resume.

2. Chronological resumes help recruiters and managers see how recently you’ve worked with certain technologies.  This is important for a two reasons. Firstly, managers will want to know that your relevant skills for an open role are fresh.  If you’ve got a functional format resume, this isn’t always clear.  Secondly, it’s important for hiring managers to know that you’ve used a particular technology recently.  Technologies themselves can change so quickly.  If you used C++ in the 90’s, you might not be ready to use it today due to all the new frameworks you can program in. Again, a functional format can’t make it quite as clear when you used a certain technology.  A chronological resume format makes it crystal clear.

3. A chronological resume better facilitates descriptions of each environment you’ve worked in at each job.  Since environments can change so much in terms of technologies and scalability, this is very important for hiring managers and IT staffing firms to see.  Chronological resumes allow you to separate out key information in an easily digestible form for a manager or recruiter.  With one glance, they can see where you worked, the environment, and your responsibilities and achievements there.  Functional format resumes can really muddy this, if not completely obscure it.



IT resume tips
Don’t use a functional format when you’re creating your tech resume. It may just hold you back from landing jobs. Photo credit: Engin_Akyurt via Pixabay.