How to Resign Your IT Job Gracefully
After a long search for new IT jobs with your IT recruiters and IT staffing firms, you’ll have one more task: resigning from your current job. Sometimes technical recruiters and IT staffing agencies hear about people handing this poorly. Here are some tips to make your resignation graceful so you don’t burn any bridges.
- Tell your manager in person if you can. If not, tell them over the phone. IT recruiting companies often hear about how people feel intimidated about actually resigning with their bosses. While it might seem scary, the best way to handle this is to directly tell your manager. Do not hide behind email, no matter how tempting it is. It probably won’t be bad at all, anyways.
- If your manager asks for it, write a short letter of resignation. This letter can be a single sentence. IT staffing companies and IT recruiting agencies would advise you to keep any grievances out of it. Don’t give any feedback or list the reasons why you’re leaving. Simply state that you’re resigning and when your last day is.
- Now back to that feedback: Should you share it? Only if you can do so constructively and you have somebody you think will be ready to hear it. If you think your manager or HR won’t be interested or take it well, it’s best to just hold back. Vent to your family or friends, maybe even your IT staffing agencies. It’s better to leave with positive relations at your job, even if you never want to work there again.