Love Sports? You Could find Your Next IT Job in that Field
There are a few industries that are obviously creating more and more IT jobs each year. Healthcare and the Insurance industry for instance, have both obviously embraced the ways that big data and security technologies can improve their best practices and drive more business. The sports and athletic industry is a more surprising industry that IT staffing companies will see an uptick in hiring for in 2017 (and beyond). Here are some jobs that IT recruiting firms will likely be filling in the near future in sports and athletics.
Mobile Developers: IT staffing agencies will likely see a need for more mobile developers for all kinds of sports apps. Fans are using their mobile devices to engage more with their favorite teams, whether they’re at a game, the office, home, etc.
Data Engineers, Big Data Engineers: Technology is becoming a hot new tool in sports medicine and training. Coaches and trainers can use things like wearable devices to track activity, improvement, or even analyze or prevent injuries. This means that IT staffing firms are likely to see a real need for Data Engineers and Big Data Engineers.
Video Engineers: Fans are streaming games live, watching and sharing clips later, or going back to archived games and matches. This all translates to IT recruiting agencies seeing a big uptick in Video Engineers for the sports industry.
Web Developers: As teams are finding more global fans, IT recruiting companies will see a real need for web developers to help create web sites for fans to easily access. The more recent popularity in fantasy sports leagues will also create a drive for web developers.