Try Using A Slogan in Your IT Job Interviews
There are plenty of obvious, conventional tips and etiquette that your IT recruiting firms and technical recruiters can give you that you should use as a guide when you’re interviewing IT jobs. Here’s one unconventional tip that will really impress your interviewers and IT recruiters: Work with a personal slogan.
What does this mean exactly? Your IT staffing companies and IT recruiting agencies don’t want you to have some sort of cheesy personal slogan that you keep throwing out awkwardly in the interview. What this means is that you should think about a single statement about why you’re an excellent candidate. Maybe it’s because you’re great at problem-solving, or your debugging skills are legendary. Whatever it is, keep this in mind when you are answering questions in your interviews.
The point is not to be repetitive, but to help you focus in on the main point of your interview: strengthening your candidacy. Your IT recruiting companies set the stage for you, but you need to hammer this point home in every question you answer. Try restating your slogan at the beginning of a many of your answers, fitting it to the questions you’re asked. For instance, if you’re asked why you want to leave your current job, bring it back to your slogan. If your slogan is about how you’re a legendary de-bugger, you can answer the question by saying that you want a job where your programming and debugging skills will help your team achieve success on new projects.
If you’re unsure about this tactic, you can use it for less questions or only questions that you don’t feel confident answering. It might also help to check in with your IT staffing firms and make sure your slogan is something would appeal to your potential employer. Does this company need somebody who is really excellent a de-bugging? Or are they more interested in other skills? Your IT staffing agencies are there to help you understand what the ideal candidate is like, so don’t hesitate to talk to them as you prepare!