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Are Suits Becoming a Way of the Past?
The reality is that business attire is becoming more and more casual. IT recruiting companies that once mandated suits are now requiring just dress pants and a collared shirt. However, is that setting IT recruiters up for success? Opinions vary, there are two schools of thought:
1) Play it safe: IT recruiters Boston are continually meeting with IT managers to solicit working on their IT jobs. While most hiring managers are in casual dress, IT staffing companies understand that they are there to ask for their business. Therefore, why take any chance of underdressing for a meeting? If technical recruiters find themselves in a very casual environment, they can always take off their tie. However, if IT recruiters CA find themselves underdressed for a meeting, they can’t suddenly put on a tie in front of the manager (or if the IT recruiter happens to have one with him, he should have worn it in the first place).
2) Dress for success: IT recruiters San Diego are always meeting with clients and prospective information technology candidates. They’re always looking to make a great first impression to both as it could lead to future business or placements. Therefore, many IT staffing firms prefer to put their best foot forward with business attire.
3) Feel the part, be the part: Simply put, if you dress the part, and feel the part, technical recruiters Boston will be the part.
1) Unnecessary: As mentioned, many clients are business casual these days. In most sales scenarios, people like to mirror their clients so dressing in a full suit might be too extreme.
2) Uncomfortable: I don’t know any IT staffing salespeople that enjoy a tie bound closely to their throat and neck. It can be uncomfortable…and hot in any warm client or summer months.
3) Expensive: Suits are expensive. With many IT recruiters being recent college graduates, multiple suits are likely outside of their financial means.
Depending upon the environment or culture of various IT recruiting firms, the pro’s of business professinal attire seem to outweight the con’s. However, for many IT staffing agencies, suits are becoming a way of the past.