Tag Archives: IT recruiting firms

Don’t Celebrate Victories Too Early in IT Recruiting

IT recruiters know all too well not to celebrate a new hire until the IT contractors walk through the client’s door and officially start their first day of work.  Technical recruitersknow not to celebrate because if you’ve work in the IT recruiting industry long enough, you have learned the hard way.  Ultimately, no matter how many questions IT recruiters Boston ask to qualify a candidate and confirm their commitment, there is never a guarantee when it comes to people.  The unfortunate reality is that IT recruiters CA are selling the most unreliable product on the market:  people.

While this might paint a bleak picture of our society, luckily for IT recruiting firms, for every one candidate who gives technical recruiters Bostontheir commitment, then backs out or does not show up to work on his/her first day, there are 10+ people who stand behind their word, work hard and reinforce the faith that there are good people out there.

Therefore, if you’re considering a career in IT staffing, be sure to prepare yourself for some ups and downs.  Most important, when an information technology candidate backs out and leaves you high and dry, roll with the punches and remember that a success story is only a call away so get back up on the horse and persevere.

IT Recruiting Firms Weathering the Economic Storm

For those IT recruiting companies that made it through the recent economic recession, the key to success can likely be attributed to their IT staffing salespeople as opposed to their IT recruiters.  While the IT recruiters CA likely played a key role in sustaining revenue, in a severe downturn like we experienced, the salespeople played a critical role.  Ultimately, a recession = fewer IT jobs.  With a vast number of IT staffing companies vying for fewer technical jobs, ultimately it came down to what IT staffing salesperson worked harder to get their hands on the IT job openings.  With a vast number of information technology professionals on the market, finding the candidates was not as difficult.

While IT recruiting firms could not sustain revenue without IT recruiters filling the IT job requirements, ultimately their success came down to their account managers.

Coming from a technical recruiting company who has weathered two recessions, the key to success in any downturn is IT staffing salespeople.  Even further, the key to each individual salesperson’s success is activity.  The more calls they make, the better their odds of finding that next job for their IT recruiters Boston to work on.

Can IT Recruiters Work From Home?

The IT staffing world has evolved over the years, as has the ability of IT recruiters to do much of their work from the comfort of their own home.  An internet connection, computer and phone are ultimately the only required tools of the job in today’s information technology world.  With many IT recruiting firms using a web-based ATS and CRM, IT recruiters CA can access their IT staffing company database from virtually anywhere.

Since popular search sites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, Linkedin and Dice can be accessed from any computer, in any location, ultimately IT recruiters Boston can do their job from anywhere.

Having said that, for those who have worked remotely on a consistent basis, there is a dark, lonely aspect to performing the IT recruiting job from home.  While waking up and commuting to your living room to work might sound appealing, of the course of time it can suffocating.  Regardless of whether you work for any one of the IT recruiting companies, or are employed in a different industry, most people need interaction.  They need to be around other technical recruiters – to feed off the energy, absorb information and collaborate on the spot.  In short, most people need human interaction.

It’s All About Activity in the IT Staffing Industry

In the IT recruiting industry, success typically comes down to hard work.  The more time IT recruiters spend searching for resumes, equates to the more candidates they ultimately speak with, which leads to more submittals to their IT jobs, then ultimately the more client interviews and confirmed hires for their IT staffing company.  Therefore, while it’s a pretty black and white numbers game, ultimately success comes down to hard work.

Take two poplulations of IT recruiters Boston.  One group makes half the calls and subsequently sends out half the emails as the second technical recruiters Boston.  While the first group of technical recruiters CA may find some success, ultimately the first group will exceed productivity.  Over the course of time, the IT recruiters CA with higher activity will produce more than those IT recruiting firms who make less calls.

While there are a number of variables associated with successful recruiters working for various IT recruiting companies.   Communication, articulation, organization, follow up and drive/determination are among a few attributes that encompass successful IT recruiters MA.  However, the most important trait is hard work – which ultimately translates to high activity.

Therefore, if you want to be successful in the IT staffing industry, pick up the phone, make the calls and spend as much time as possible searching IT job boards and resume databases for the best candidates possible.

There Are No Guarantees in IT Recruiting

The very best IT recruiters thoroughly qualify each candidate before submitting information technology professionals to their clients.  Technical recruiters have to dig to uncover the truths – all in an attempt to make sure the candidate is truly interested in committed to moving forward with their respective IT jobs.  IT recruiting firms teach many “lock down” questions to ensure their IT recruiters Boston do not dangle a carrot in front of their clients only to pull it back when there is interest.

The qualifying questions all have a reason behind them.  For example, IT recruiters CA may want to know what other technical jobs the candidate is interviewing for and where they’re at with each opportunity.  The reason for this question is simply to determine whether the candidate is days or hours away from accepting another opportunity – subsequently making the submittal to their client just a teaser.

Another qualifying question that IT recruiting companies CA teach their IT staffing employees is whether there is anything else holding the candidate back from accepting a client’s offer if the compensation met their needs.  It’s typically pretty shocking what can be uncovered by asking such an open ended question.

However, sadly, regardless of how well IT staffing companies train ttheir technical recruiters CA, there are no guarantees that the IT recruiting agencies can deliver the candidates to the client on the first day of work.  Unfortunately, no matter how many questions were asked, how many references checked, how many conversations or meetings with the candidates (and clients) take place, there are no guarantees when it comes to the high-tech professional actually starting their respective IT job.

Therefore, if you’re a client and frustrated with IT staffing agencies when their candidates back out of a confirmed hire, make sure to dig yourself.  Find out what questions were asked, what conversations had, the last time the IT staffing firm spoke with the candidate and if they ever met the candidate in person.  Do this because at the end of the day, unfortunately IT staffing companies cannot guarantee people.

IT Staffing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

For IT recruiters Boston, it’s a marathon not a sprint.  Many technical recruiters enter the IT staffing industry full of energy and vigor, but fade fast.  Many technical recruiters Boston simply get burned out.  The IT recruiting industry is a marathon – you must be in it for the long haul to truly succeed and reap its many rewards.

Successful IT recruiters place hundreds of candidates over their first 4-5 years.  As time passes, many of these placements will climb the corporate ladder and ultimately become hiring IT managers (that will ultimately need to utilize IT recruiting companies to fill their technical needs).  Therefore, as time passes, successful IT recruiters CA keep in close touch with their placements (IT recruiting tip:  utilize Linkedin.  It makes keeping tabs on your placements easy); ultimately becoming the IT staffing resource for these contacts.

The technical staffing industry has it’s many ups and downs.  Technical recruiters CA have to expect the roller coaster ride of emotion that comes with the job and perservere through the tough times.  The IT recruiting firms that are in it for the long haul understand that the industry is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Sportsmanship in an IT Recruiting Team

The IT recruiting field places an emphasis on teamwork, and the technical recruiter who proves to be a good team player will stand out positively from those who contribute less to their coworker’s success. Technical recruiters working within the same office for the same company have a common goal – to place as many qualified technical candidates as possible in IT roles that suit their professional backgrounds. The IT recruiter who sees him or herself as a valuable member of a larger team effort will grasp the big picture goal of a technical recruiting organization. Recruiting is all about making personal connections, fostering business relationships, and keeping in touch with important players in the technical industry. The ability to carry over that focus on people from a job description to interaction with coworkers will make a technical recruiter successful, and most likely, more confident in his or her success than IT recruiters who are more self-reliant than team-oriented.

The definition of teamwork, however, isn’t limited to a specific office location within a company. A technical recruiter working out of company headquarters has as many professional teammates as the company has office locations. AVID Technical Resources may be headquartered out of Boston, MA, but the technical recruiters in the Boston office maintain close ties to those in the Marlborough, MA office, as well as the Providence, RI office. One way for IT recruiters to keep in close contact with teammates in offices that are geographically distant is phone conferencing. AVID’s IT recruiters in the San Diego and Los Angeles offices communicate regularly with technical recruiters in the Boston office. Staying in touch is an essential part of being a team player – regardless of how much space separates team members.

The Best IT Recruiters are Like Gold

The IT recruiting industry is a rollercoaster of a ride with many ups and downs.  Successful IT recruiters typically can roll with the punches and have a steadfast drive and determination to succeed.  Those IT recruiting companies that are lucky enough to have one or more successful IT recruiters Boston, they need to hold on to them like they’re gold because they’re rare.

When you combine a strong work ethic with tenacity and determination, coupled with organization and articulation, you get IT recruiters CA who drive revenue for their respective IT staffing companies.  Those IT recruiting agencies need to treat them like gold because they’re rare.

When you get technical recruiters who are honest and of high, quality character, you get IT recruiters MA who help positively affect people’s lives and add/fill IT jobs for our nation’s economy.  Those IT recruiting firms need to treat them like gold because unfortunately they’re rare.

When you get technical recruiters Boston who are willing to help their peers and put the interest of the candidates and/or the IT staffing agency ahead of their own, you need to treat them like gold because they’re rare.

At AVID Technical Resources, we’re lucky to be one of the top IT staffing companies Boston because we have a team of recruiters with these qualities.

The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get

The IT staffing industry is not unlike many other sales positions.  The more activity you put out, the better your odds of success.  For IT recruiters, this translates into calls.  Ultimately, the more calls you make in a day, the better your chance of finding those perfect information technology professionals for your high-tech jobs.

Technical recruiters who work hard throughout the day might make as many as a 75-100 calls and emails.  While this can be exhausting, this will likely mean dozens of responses from prospective IT job candidates.   For those IT recruiters Boston who do additional work from the comfort of their own home at night, the next day can literally feel like Christmas as they log on to their computer to await the responses from interested candidates.

The best IT recruiting firms understand the importance of high activity.  No matter how strong of a salesperson you are, if you make half the calls as your competition working for other IT staffing agencies, they will win out every time.  You may make that first placement, but over the course of time, other IT recruiters CA will win.

Technical recruiters Boston who do not make a high number of calls not only stunt their growth, the growth of their IT staffing agency, but also just make for a very slow day.  Your peer who put out 100+ calls the prior day is walking into a barrage of responses the next day while you may not have any due to your weak activity.  This translates into a slow, boring day….without much of a chance of making commissions.

If you find yourself working in the IT staffing industry, then follow my lead.  Make as many calls as possible and you’ll find success.  Ultimately, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

The Importance of Customer Service in IT Staffing

IT recruiting companies need to separate themselves from the competition.  Outside of having the best IT recruiters and IT jobs, the best way for technical recruiting firms to do so it by providing excellent customer service.  This means treating candidates they way they would want to be treated in return.  IT staffing companies can treach their technical recruiters to go above and beyond by communicating, even overcommunicating, to candidates.  If a high-tech candidate interviews for an IT job, their respective IT recruiter should keep them as updated as they are with the feedback.  If a week passes and they don’t hear from the client, a simple call to the candidate saying they didn’t fall through the cracks or were forgotten.  The IT staffing agency is still trying to reach the hiring manager for feedback.

Additionally, IT recruiters Boston should return every call as well as every email from prospective IT job candidates (unless of course they receive an excessive amount of communication from one individual).

Lastly, after a placement is made, the relationship should not end.  Staying in touch with the information technology contractor and even going to their work facility to grab coffee or lunch are additional ways technical staffing companies can separate themselves from other IT recruiting firms.