Tag Archives: IT staffing agencies

Interviewing for IT Jobs When You’re Sick

January and February are great months to work with your technical recruiters and IT staffing agencies to find new IT jobs.  They’re also months in which you’re likely to get sick—maybe a couple times.  If you’re sick, here’s how to proceed if your IT recruiters and IT staffing firms have you set up for an interview.

  1. Assess how you feel. Is it awful?  Will it affect your performance?  If so, call your IT recruiting agencies and IT staffing companies ASAP and let them know.  They can help you reschedule the interview if you aren’t in good shape to go.  On the flip side, you may be feeling a little under the weather, but you won’t have a problem interviewing.  In that case, you probably still want to go anyways.  Time is usually of the essence in employers’ searches to fill IT jobs.  Don’t delay the interview if you don’t have to.
  2. If you do go to the interview, be considerate.  Make sure you bring tissues, sneeze or cough into your hand or elbow, and hold off on shaking hands. Tell your interviewer that it’s great to meet them, but you’re getting over a cold and don’t want to risk infecting them.  This won’t come across as rude.
  3. Be your best at the interview and try not to draw any further attention to your cold or illness. You want the interviewer to focus on your candidacy and to remember you for that.  If you keep mentioning your cold, your IT recruiting companies will likely get some negative feedback about you.  You don’t want your interviewer to have any doubts about your ability to muscle through and get work done in the face of challenges.


IT Job Search Sick
Are you too sick to do well at your IT job interview? Call your IT recruiters ASAP. Photo credit: Mojpe.



Fix Your LinkedIn Profile, Kick Your IT Job Search into Gear

In 2016, one of the best things you can do to attract IT recruiters and IT staffing agencies is to update your LinkedIn profile. While technical recruiters and IT recruiting companies will definitely need a resume, your LinkedIn profile is almost as important. Here is one major mistake to avoid as you update: Giving excessively long descriptions of all the IT jobs you’ve ever held.

Why is this a problem and what should you be doing instead? Firstly, consider your LinkedIn profile akin to a movie trailer for your real resume. IT recruiting firms tend to see hundreds upon hundreds of LinkedIn profiles. Make it easy for IT staffing agencies to decide you’re a great candidate to contact.  Very briefly list the best information about your career. If your profile is long and full of extensive details, it’s less likely that you’ll get a call from IT staffing firms.

Here’s how to clean up your profile a bit if you have too much information under each IT job. Copy all the material to a new document so you can start fresh. Now use that info to create only a handful of statements that are all about your accomplishments at these IT jobs. Check out this blog post for some great verbs to help you build powerful sentences. With fewer bullets that really showcase your worth, get ready to impress IT staffing companies and kick your job search into gear!


LinkedIn Profiles IT Job Search
Time is of the essence, so cut down descriptions of your IT jobs on your LinkedIn profile! Photo credit: steinchen via Pixabay.



Use These Verbs to Revamp Your IT Resume

The New Year is a great time to polish up your resume for your IT recruiters and IT staffing firms.  Employers often hire much more in January than November or December.  To make the most effective bullet points, put the verb at the front of the sentence.

The first kind of verb that will really wow employers and IT recruiting firms are verbs that show a dedication to great customer service.  IT staffing companies often are tasked with filling IT jobs that require not only great technical skills, but also excellent communication skills and abilities with end users or clients.  Some verbs that you might want to use for these bullet points might include: Delivered, Enhanced, Expedited, Improved, Accelerated, and Outpaced.

The second kinds of verbs that will impress your IT recruiting companies and IT staffing agencies are verbs related to significantly improving something (perhaps a process, software, websites, etc).  Listing concrete achievements like this will help employers see your worth and envision you at their company.  Try using verbs like Customized, Merged, Modified, Overhauled, Refined, Remodeled, Restructured, Streamlined, and Upgraded.

The last kind of verb that will impact your resume is one that shows leadership.  Whether it’s a project you officially led, or simply a project you showed some initiative on, make sure to show off a bit and mention them as bullets under your relevant jobs.  Try to use verbs like Designed, Developed, Initiated, Instituted, Launched, Pioneered, and Spearheaded.


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What have you achieved at previous IT jobs? Don’t forget to list it on your IT resume! Photo credit: Foundry via Pixabay


Try Using A Slogan in Your IT Job Interviews

There are plenty of obvious, conventional tips and etiquette that your IT recruiting firms and technical recruiters can give you that you should use as a guide when you’re interviewing IT jobs.  Here’s one unconventional tip that will really impress your interviewers and IT recruiters: Work with a personal slogan.

What does this mean exactly?  Your IT staffing companies and IT recruiting agencies don’t want you to have some sort of cheesy personal slogan that you keep throwing out awkwardly in the interview.  What this means is that you should think about a single statement about why you’re an excellent candidate.  Maybe it’s because you’re great at problem-solving, or your debugging skills are legendary.  Whatever it is, keep this in mind when you are answering questions in your interviews.

The point is not to be repetitive, but to help you focus in on the main point of your interview: strengthening your candidacy.  Your IT recruiting companies set the stage for you, but you need to hammer this point home in every question you answer. Try restating your slogan at the beginning of a many of your answers, fitting it to the questions you’re asked.  For instance, if you’re asked why you want to leave your current job, bring it back to your slogan.  If your slogan is about how you’re a legendary de-bugger, you can answer the question by saying that you want a job where your programming and debugging skills will help your team achieve success on new projects.

If you’re unsure about this tactic, you can use it for less questions or only questions that you don’t feel confident answering.  It might also help to check in with your IT staffing firms and make sure your slogan is something would appeal to your potential employer. Does this company need somebody who is really excellent a de-bugging?  Or are they more interested in other skills?  Your IT staffing agencies are there to help you understand what the ideal candidate is like, so don’t hesitate to talk to them as you prepare!


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Take time to think about what your ‘slogan’ is for your candidacy. Now let that guide you in your IT job interviews. Photo credit: nachoto7 via Pixabay.


Thank You Notes that Might Salvage a Bad IT Job Interview

All IT recruiters and IT staffing firms have had a candidate or two not perform as well as they wanted to in an interview.  Interviews for IT jobs can be intimidating and technical recruiters see IT professionals who prepare and practice, but still get nervous at the actual interview.  If you make a mistake in answering a question, there’s a chance you might be able to salvage it with a good thank you note that you give to your IT recruiting firms and IT staffing agencies to pass on to your interviewer.

Start by trying to directly address any mistakes or areas where you wish you had said more.  While the whole thank you note shouldn’t be consumed by this, a brief, well-written paragraph could go a long way.  If you mention that you wish you had given more of your technical background, or perhaps that you had solved a problem differently, you might make an impact on your interviewer.

Secondly, if you have some concrete professional achievements, projects, or work that might cast you in a better light as a candidate, go ahead and provide that.  The most effective way to prove something, especially in an IT job interview, is with hard evidence. Your IT recruiting companies and IT staffing companies will be thrilled if you can do that in your thank you note.


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Messed up in your IT job interview? Your thank you note may save the day. Photo credit: miradeshazer via pixabay.


Why You Can’t Just ‘Be Yourself’ In IT Job Interviews

Technical recruiters and IT staffing firms see IT professionals make a lot of mistakes in interviewing for IT jobs.  Some are understandable, but one of the biggest mistakes that IT recruiters and IT staffing agencies often see IT professionals make when interviewing is to ignore interview etiquette completely and just be their unedited selves.  Why is this a problem?

IT recruiting firms do want candidates to be genuine and honest when they interview. You can still be honest and genuine, while adhering to interview, etiquette, though.  For instance, often IT staffing companies will advise their candidates to wear a suit to an interview.  Some candidates will ignore this advice, presumably because they want to present themselves—the way they are on an everyday basis.  The company they’re interviewing may even have a very relaxed dress code.  IT recruiting agencies very rarely see these people who don’t wear a suit get the job, though.  Wearing a suit isn’t about hiding yourself, it’s about showing that you’re capable of following rules and it shows respect.  Interviews are a formal circumstance that generally requires formal dress.  When you choose to wear jeans, you aren’t showing your true self.  You’re showing that you’re not respectful or capable of following etiquette and directions.

Another example of this kind of problematic thinking is when IT job candidates cuss or tell off-color jokes in an interview.  Editing yourself in these situations isn’t about hiding yourself.  As with wearing a suit, it’s about showing respect and conforming to the rules of certain circumstances.  Again, IT recruiting companies do not tend to see candidates land the job when they choose to swear or make rude jokes or comments.  No matter how relaxed the workplace, an interview is a special circumstance.  It’s not the moment to show yourself at anything other than your best!

Wearing a suit and tie is important for most IT job interviews– whether the company dress code is relaxed or not. Photo credit: bark via Flickr.

Answering ‘How Would Coworkers Describe You?’ in IT Interviews

Sometimes in IT job interviews, you might be asked how your managers and coworkers would describe you.  IT recruiters and IT staffing companies come across plenty of candidates who feel uncomfortable answering this question—or just don’t know how to.  Here’s how you can prepare to answer this question—and maybe land yourself the next IT jobs you interview for!

Start by asking your technical recruiters and IT recruiting firms a few quick questions before the interview.  You’ll want your IT staffing agencies to tell you what qualities are important in this role or in the company’s corporate culture in general.  Make a list of these for yourself, then think about what qualities might apply to you.  If you see any on this list that you think apply directly to you, then highlight those.

Now think back to any performance reviews, letters of recommendation, and general feedback you’ve gotten in your current and previous jobs.  Has anybody mentioned these qualities?  Write a quick note about it for yourself.  If you can’t think of any examples of people directly mentioning it, your next best bet is to think of times when you did something for somebody that demonstrated one of these qualities.  Jot down a quick note for yourself about that moment.

The last step is to practice actually talking about these qualities as though you were speaking to an interviewer.  While your IT recruiting agencies don’t want you to sound robotic and over-rehearsed, it’s good to practice answering questions a bit before the interview so you feel comfortable doing it.  You also won’t really be able to refer to your notes on this, so it’s good to practice so that you can remember the salient points.

IT job interviews questions
Make a list of qualities your IT recruiters think are important to this IT job. Photo credit: Caleb Roenigk via flickr.



IT Job Interviews at Unconventional Locations

Sometimes your IT recruiters and IT staffing firms may set you up for IT job interviews at unconventional places, like a coffee shop.  Though it’s certainly not common for technical recruiters or IT staffing companies to do this, it’s good for IT professionals to be prepared for these kinds of interviews.  While the rules are fairly similar to interviews for IT jobs in conventional locations (like offices) here are some rules that may be less intuitive.

  1. Ask your IT recruiting agencies for advice on what to wear.  Don’t assume that the dress code will be more or less relaxed because you’ll be meeting outside an office setting. This is an easy way to start off with a good impression, so make sure you find out from your IT staffing agencies how you should dress.
  2. Ask your IT recruiting firms if they can give you a picture or description of what your interviewer looks like.  Since you’re meeting in a public place, this will help you figure out how to spot them quickly and without any awkwardness.
  3. Be on your best behavior.  Be exceptionally polite to the staff at the coffee shop, pick up after yourself, and don’t curse or tell off-color stories.  It can be easy to fall into more casual behavior outside an office setting.  Resist this urge – your IT recruiting companies are more likely to hear good feedback if you be your best, politest, most professional self throughout the whole interview.


IT job interviews coffee shop
Don’t order a drink that will give you a foam mustache during your IT job interview! Photo credit: Stephan Rosger via Flickr.



Quick Fixes for your IT Resume

If you’re looking to attract technical recruiters and IT staffing companies, you may want to polish your resume a bit.  While IT recruiters and IT staffing firms do care a lot about the content of a resume, that first quick glance at your resume is pretty influential, too.  It’s definitely worth employing these quick tips to polish your resume so that it looks more appealing to hiring managers and IT recruiting agencies.

  1. Make it easy to contact you. Don’t hide your information or omit it.  IT staffing agencies need to be able to reach you if they see IT jobs that are a good fit for you.  Put your contact info in one spot at the top of your resume.
  2. Make your resume easier to read. Cut down blocks of text and cut down your resume in general.  While you don’t need to stick to the 1 page rule most other industries require, do cut your resume down as much as you can. Organize your resume into important categories like Professional Experience, Technical Proficiencies, Education, etc.
  3. Make sure relevant skills and experience are near the top of the page. IT recruiting companies and hiring managers both look at many, many resumes.  Don’t let things that are less relevant clutter up the top of the IT resume.  Make it immediately obvious to IT recruiting firms and hiring managers that you’re a great candidate– especially for the kinds of IT jobs that you’d love to be considered for!
Working on IT resume
You’re not done with your IT resume just yet! Make sure it’s clean and easy to read before posting it! Photo credit: deathtostock.com. 

Ask This Question in IT Job Interviews

Plenty of IT professionals have a hard time coming up with great questions to ask at the end of interviews.  There are a lot of standard questions out there that your IT recruiters and IT staffing companies can give you.  This won’t really wow your interviewer and guarantee some good feedback to your technical recruiters and IT recruiting firms, though.  The questions that make a strong impression show that you’re interested in finding new IT jobs that are a good fit for you.  Here’s one example of a question that will really wow hiring managers.

Start by identifying things you really want in your next IT job.  Maybe it’s a more collaborative environment, working with a particular technology, or something else.  Run it by your IT staffing firms.  Ask them if the jobs you’re interviewing are likely to have this quality.  If your IT staffing agencies are good, they’ll be submitting you for jobs that are a good fit anyways.  These jobs will likely have the qualities you want.

When you go to the interview, you can tell your interviewer that this quality is something you’d really like in your next job.  Then ask them whether this IT job will offer it.  If they don’t say much more than yes, you may want to ask your interviewer to expound on that a bit.    Your interviewer will really appreciate this question because it will help them to see that you’d be a good fit for the company and role.   When you show them your priorities and values are in line with the company’s, you can really strengthen your candidacy.  Your interviewers will also appreciate that you don’t just want any job—you’re working with your IT recruiting companies to find a job that you think you could succeed in and enjoy for a long time.  This is their ideal employee.

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Take time to think about what qualities you want in your next IT job. Photo credit: Marc Eliot via Flickr.