Tag Archives: IT staffing

Breaking a Bad Habit in the IT recruiting Industry

Are you an IT recruiter with a bad habit that you just cannot seem to shake?  No one is expected to be perfect, but when your tendencies begin to affect other technical recruiters, it is time to consider a change.  Left unkempt, habits can spill over from your personal life to the IT staffing office which is one of the last places you want hostility.  If you find you need to rid yourself of an annoying tendency, here are some tips to get you on the right track.

Recognizing the Problem

You might be tipping in your chair, snapping your gum, and yelling to other IT recruiters sitting four cubicles over and not see an issue with it, but reassess the situation.  Maybe your scenario is not this bad, but realizing how your behavior is affecting yourself and other IT recruiters Boston is the first step.   Does your habit provide any benefits?  If so, do they outweigh any negative attributes that accompany this tendency?  When the answer is no, it is time for a change.

Resisting the Urge

Your habit could be something as minor as following up on missed phone calls through email.  Some IT headhunters might not have an issue with this while others find it cumbersome and rude.  The next time your technical recruiter leaves you a voicemail, you could be tempted to break out the Blackberry with an email response.  People often avoid situations because they are not comfortable.  The easiest way to fix a problem is not going around it, but tackling it head on.  Make the phone call and eventually you will find the transition you feared was not difficult at all.

Keep Up the Progress

Check up on your bad habits to make sure you are following through with your commitments.  Reward yourself when you have reached a milestone– just do not reward yourself by engaging in the habit.  If you happen to slip up, never punish yourself.  Let your mistake be a guide to not let it happen again.

When you make positive changes, you line yourself up for success.  IT staffing firms can provide excellent feedback if you are looking to avoid taboo situations or improving resume and interview habits.  Visit AVID’s job seeker page for more detail!

When Business Casual Is Too Casual

If your IT staffing office looks like a pajama party, you know work is probably not being completed to its full potential 

Imagine the nightmare of walking into an interview for an IT job and no one acknowledges you.  Desk dwellers are plugged into their headsets and shift their eyes toward you only to immediately avert any interest from your direction.  Technical recruiters stroll toward you five minutes past your appointment, barefoot wearing a grease stained t-shirt and basketball shorts.  You extend a hand which he uncomfortably shakes and leads you to a corner office which could be mistaken for a closet.  You thought you were going to an IT recruiting firm…are you in the right place?

Offices are becoming increasingly casual, but what crosses the line from casual to sloppy?  Some argue that their quality of work should not be based upon their style.  When poor hygiene and style habits begin to affect others, it is time to raise the bar on what is acceptable.  Here are some guidelines so you do not ruin the luxury of a relaxed office for other IT recruiters Boston.

Your Outfit– Just Because It Zips Doesn’t Mean You Should Wear It

Tight clothes are not flattering in the work place and are often distracting.  On the other hand, loose and baggy clothes give off the slob vibe.  Wear clothes that fit properly and give you a professional demeanor.  You will feel better about yourself and chances are your quality of work will improve, too.  A client will most likely choose the neat and trim IT recruiter over his messy, unkempt counterpart… and the same goes with an IT staffing representative choosing his candidates, too!

Maintaining Good Hygiene—What’s That Smell?

No one wants to be the person in the office that people want to avoid due to poor hygiene.  Prevent the label by taking care of yourself and grooming on a daily basis.  Maintain good health and be considerate of others.  What might be considered normal and comfortable for you could put others over the edge.

The Mute Office

Some prefer to keep to themselves during their work day which is perfectly acceptable.  What is not acceptable is keeping your headphones in all day and ignoring fellow IT recruiters and guests.  Make it a point to communicate with others in your office.  Building relationships now will help when you need to collaborate on projects later.  It also does not hurt to have a few friends in the office!

The Social Office

On the flip side, candidates that talk about their personal lives or choose to meet up outside of office hours with their IT headhunter and coworkers should remember how their actions and words will affect their work.   Just because you may not be in the office does not mean others will not find out things you say or do.  Ensuring conversations with your colleagues in and out of the office are appropriate will prevent you from having to explain yourself later.  Keep in mind that some associates do not want to be concerned with others’ personal issues.

Dropping in at All Hours

Some companies are flexible with their hours, allowing employees to drop in at all hours of the morning given that they complete their shift.  Be considerate of your clients and coworkers in your IT recruiting firm by creating a fixed schedule.  Set up a weekly meeting with your IT recruiter so you have a definite time to address issues or concerns.   A routine will help you to stay organized and on top of your work.  If you unexpectedly decide to come in at a different time, or are late, notify your supervisor so there are no questions asked.  Even if it is not required, the notice will be appreciated.

No one enjoys working in a strict atmosphere with all rules and no fun.  Keep a positive attitude and be respectful.  If you are not used to working in stricter office conditions, give it time and soon it was become second nature!

Showing Your IT Recruiter Some Gratitude

The priority for technical recruiters is to find qualified candidates for their open IT jobs.  Unfortunately, IT people in the IT recruiting industry are often perceived as pushy, money hungry individuals whose main concern is their commission cut.  Working with technical recruiters on a daily basis, one will find this misconception to be far from the truth.

Successful IT staffing firms earn their keep through communication and research.  Hours extend beyond the typical 9-5 to accommodate candidates’ availability.  IT headhunters do not pry for details to be nosey, they are conducting preliminary screenings to ensure an applicant fits the hiring client’s criteria.  From the countless hours spent sifting and tweeking resumes while also prepping for interviews, a thank you is well deserved!

The Overlooked IT Recruiter

You may have interviewed with the hiring manager, but remember who helped you along the process.  You are most likely not your technical recruiter’s only candidate.  By the end of the day, he has probably spoken to dozens of existing and prospective applicants.  Let your IT recruiter know his hard work and determination are appreciated!

Make a Lasting Impression While Showing Character

Networking happens to be one of the top ways to secure an IT job in a competitive market.   IT staffing representatives are your gateway to new career opportunities. Maintain a relationship with your IT headhunter and stand out from other candidates with follow up emails and thank you notes.  Thank you’s might seem second nature, but you would be surprise what separates strong applicants from weak applicants.  If your contract should come to an end, he may remember you for upcoming positions.

Going Beyond the Thank You

If your IT recruiter did an outstanding job, why limit your thank you to just him?  Pay it forward and let others know how privileged you were to work with him.  Yelp and Google Places are just some of the ways you can extend your thank you beyond email and phone calls.  Your review can help others land positions and bring in more business for your IT staffing representative!

Putting All Your Technical Eggs in One Basket

Technology- Friend or Foe

We have all heard the saying that you should not putting all your eggs in one basket.  With technology becoming more advanced and easing the barriers of communication, it is hard to resist the temptation.  Before you upload all your contacts, appointments, and mp3s to your handheld mobile device, consider reading this article on why daily planners and in person meetings are not so obsolete.

Building a Rapport

Smart phones are the jack of all trades, offering internet access in addition to the standard texting and calling features of a regular cell phone.  They allow its user the ease of emailing a client versus calling or sending an informal text.  Face to face meetings between candidates and technical recruiters can ultimately be eliminated with webcam programs such as Skype.

While this makes communication instantaneous, IT recruiters Boston sacrifice building a relationship with applicants in the process.  Crucial elements such as tone and demeanor can be misconstrued or a question regarding an IT job that could be answered over the phone in two minutes could take six email threads to finally reach a consensus.  Webcam meetings are ideal only for IT staffing representatives and clients who work great distances apart.  When IT recruiters meets with a candidate for the first time, it should always be face to face.  You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so why not make it the best impression you can offer?

Losing Your Phone

Whether your phone gets water-logged, crushed, or lost, you will feel a sense of immediate withdrawal if you live by your phone.  Appointments will be lost, contact numbers erased, and, unless you have insurance, you are looking at a pretty penny to replace your mobile device.  Regardless of if it was your fault or not, people who regularly lose or break phones are not considered responsible.

Imagine receiving a text message from an unknown number, do you really want to risk the embarrassment of asking a prospective client “who is this?”  If you find yourself without a phone, be sure to have a hardcopy contact book to update and keep in touch with clients.  Mark appointments in a separate calendar as well.

Crossing Boundaries

Remember to keep your personal life separate from business.  What looks like emailing during a business meeting could be a candidate playing a game or checking Facebook on his phone.  Stay focused and if necessary, put your smart phone away where you cannot see it or be easily distracted.

While technical recruiters are practically glued to their phone, they must remember to keep things professional, especially in emails.  Sloppy grammar, abbreviations, and poor spelling habits might be acceptable to their friends, but they must be mindful of the relationship with their clients.

Technology is not necessarily an evil, it just depends on how you use it!

Living a Double Life—The Dishonest Candidate

Working with technical recruiters should not feel like a controlling relationship.  You do not need to tell them your every move or what you had for lunch.  IT recruiters are not intentionally being nosey when they ask you questions, they are just trying to get an idea of what you want and where you would fit most with IT job openings coming their way.  Telling your technical recruiter that you are not interested, providing constructive feedback, or saying you would prefer to not work with him or her might be difficult, but it actually helps them improve their recruiting tactics in the long run.  The worst thing you can do is lie to your IT staffing representative.

Previous Employment

Not listing all your experiences, or worse, including positions and titles you have never held is setting yourself up to be shot down.  At first glance you will shine on paper, but you cannot back it up through references or experience and your lies will soon be recognized.  Because you have embellished your information technology skills and misled IT recruiters Boston, the likelihood that he will keep you in mind for other positions is slim.

Lying about why you have left a previous position can come back to haunt you, especially if the hiring company requires an employment verification or the manager happens to know your former employer.  The six degrees of separation are becoming increasingly slim with social networking sites highlighting your relationships to others.  Avoid burning bridges and always end assignments on good terms.

Background Check

Be honest about past convictions or if you are at risk to fail a drug test.  Telling your IT recruiter up front about these issues will save you and your recruiter potential embarrassment and prevent wasted time on a position that you would not have had a chance nabbing.  Your IT staffing company representative might keep you in mind for other positions and will appreciate your honesty.


You might seem to be a catch on paper by sprucing up your resume with technical skills and keywords, but always make sure they pertain to the IT jobs you are applying and you actually have the experience.   Your IT headhunter will ask about your level of skills and how often you practiced them.  If you lie about your experience, it will show in your work.  The project manager might have to let you go if you cannot complete the required tasks, leaving you unemployed with severed ties.

Applying for Other IT Jobs

When an IT recruiting company representative asks if you are working with other recruiters or applying to other positions, they are not trying to limit your options.  The IT recruiter is looking to make sure you do not get double submitted for an opening.  Being submitted twice for an opening might sound helpful, but it can actually hinder your chances of securing the position because hiring managers will assume you are either careless or your submission was made in error.  Letting IT recruiters know you are actively interviewing shows determination, but also helps the technical recruiter to understand your availability.

IT staffing firms are not out to scam people, their job is to find the right candidates for open positions.  If working with recruiters does not sound like something that interests you, express your opinion.  The keys to a successful recruiting relationship are communicating and being honest.

For more tips, please visit AVID’s Job Seekers page.

Living a Double Life—The Dishonest Candidate

Working with technical recruiters should not feel like a controlling relationship.  You do not need to tell them your every move or what you had for lunch.  IT recruiters are not intentionally being nosey when they ask you questions, they are just trying to get an idea of what you want and where you would fit most with IT job openings coming their way.  Telling your technical recruiter that you are not interested, providing constructive feedback, or saying you would prefer to not work with him might be difficult, but it actually helps him improve his recruiting tactics in the long run.  The worst thing you can do is lie to your IT staffing representative.

Previous Employment

Not listing all your experiences, or worse, including positions and titles you have never held is setting yourself up to be shot down.  At first glance you will shine on paper, but you cannot back it up through references or experience and your lies will soon be recognized.  Because you have embellished your talents and misled your IT recruiter, the likelihood that he will keep you in mind for other positions is slim.

Lying about why you have left  previous positions can come back to haunt you, especially if the hiring company requires an employment verification or the manager happens to know your former employer.  The six degrees of separation are becoming increasingly slim with social networking sites highlighting your relationships to others.  Avoid burning bridges and always end assignments on good terms.

Background Check

If an opportunity includes a mandatory background check, be honest about past convictions or if you are at risk to fail a drug test.  Telling IT recruiters up front about these issues will save you and your recruiter potential embarrassment and prevent wasted time on a position that you would not have had a chance nabbing.  Your IT staffing representative might keep you in mind for other positions and will appreciate your honesty.


You might seem to be a catch on paper by sprucing up your resume with technical skills and keywords, but always make sure they pertain to the IT job which you are applying and you actually have the experience.  IT recruiters Boston will ask about your level of skills and how often you practiced them.  If you lie about your experience, it will show in your work.  The project manager might have to let you go if you cannot complete the required tasks, leaving you unemployed with severed ties.

Applying for Other IT Jobs

When Boston IT recruiters ask if you are working with other recruiters or applying to other positions, they are not trying to limit your options.  The recruiter is looking to make sure you do not get double submitted for an opening.  Being submitted twice for an opening might sound helpful, but it can actually hinder your chances of securing the position because hiring managers will assume you are either careless or your submission was made in error.  Letting IT headhunters know you are actively interviewing shows determination, but also helps the technical recruiter to understand your availability.

IT recruiting companies are not out to scam people, their job is to find the right candidates for open positions.  If working with recruiters does not sound like something that interests you, express your opinion.  The keys to a successful recruiting relationship are communicating and being honest.

For more tips, please visit AVID’s Job Seekers page.

Social Media is the New IT Job Board

If you are a like most people, you use Facebook on a daily basis.  If you are more tech savvy, you might also have a Twitter or use a blog site.  Perhaps you are a professional and prefer LinkedIn.  Whatever your social media outlet is, be sure to take advantage of the job opportunities these sites provide.

The Benefits—Applicants

Both technical recruiters and job seekers benefit from social media.  Applicants are no longer applying to an ambiguous IT job board with postings from all industries.  They are specifically following companies and positions that fit their interests.  Candidates can see if they have connections with the hiring manager for a gateway to the company.  Also, job postings and statuses are constantly being updated so there is no room for lag.

The Benefits—IT Recruiters

IT staffing firms post their positions at a low cost and bring in job seekers, including people within their network and who meet the hiring board’s criteria.  IT recruiters Boston no longer sift through countless resumes and take a stab at who would be a fit.  Though it might be considered biased, interests and photos help bring a face to a candidate so technical recruiters can determine if the candidate would be a match for the office environment.


Though Facebook often has a bad reputation due to users’ lax privacy controls, the site can help IT headhunters and job seekers fill positions.  A company can create its own page for users to visit, hear about news, and learn about open positions.  IT recruiting firms can create groups such as Boston IT Recruiters and IT Job Openings for candidates to join and learn about upcoming opportunities.


The beauty of Twitter is that its 140 character messages are short and to the point.  Technical recruiters can post their open positions to followers and prospective candidates by tagging keywords for trending topics.  For applicants, following, tagging, and retweeting an IT staffing company’stweets is a sure way to get noticed.  Though Twitter is not nearly as popular as Facebook, it certainly is a growing trend.


LinkedIn can be thought of as a professional Facebook with less noise.  There is no wall to post on or anyone to send a tweet (though they can appear in a status).  User profiles consist of previous positions and recommendations, groups, experiences, and interests.  LinkedIn allows IT recruiters and candidates to network for upcoming IT jobs, join groups, update their status, and post or apply to open positions.

Some might say that social media is a fad, but soon job boards will become as obsolete as newspaper listings.  It’s better to act on these job opportunities before others discover this hidden treasure!

Managing Your Management

No two IT recruiters work the same, each must adapt to his own form of management.  Unfortunately, you cannot choose who you work with, but you can adjust your working habits.  Here are some guidelines to ease transitions into new IT recruiting job:

Maintaining your responsibility and staying focused is ideal in all work environments.  Allowing projects and questions to slip through the cracks or exceed deadlines creates a snowball effect which leads to future issues.  Stop the problem in its tracks and be one of the technical recruiters in the office people look to for problem solving.  You will be recognized for your proficiency and boost your confidence.  Taking action and following through on your projects are key traits for upward mobility with most IT staffing jobs and positive feedback from your fellow technical recruiters Boston could mean future advancements.

WARNING: Take care of yourself before you help others.  Often people will seek you out for advice and help on projects, but make sure all your work is complete before you take on additional responsibilities.

Be honest about tasks you cannot handle.  If you are working above and beyond your work capacity, it will show in your output.  Take a step back and analyze what you can complete in terms of importance and time sensitivity.  IT staffing firms assure that upper level management would rather see you complete one of your tasks with 100% competence than finish three projects with errors.

If you find you have made a mistake, bring it to the attention of your IT Recruiting Manager so you know the proper way to amend it.  Trying to cover slip ups might cause you to make more errors while trying to balance current work.

Never guess answers to anyone’s questions.  When you do not know the correct response to someone’s inquiry, tell them you will find out an answer for them and seek out the appropriate staff.  Remember to follow up and ask if there are any additional questions you can help with.   Honesty and integrity can get you far in the work place.

WARNING: Too much honesty is not best in the work place.  Keep all personal matters to yourself as it can interfere with work relationships amongst your fellow IT recruiters.   

Openly communicate with your fellow IT recruiters Boston, supervisors and other co-workers, especially when you are collaborating on a project.  Not only will you not waste time on tasks that are possibly complete, you can learn new ways to handle tasks.  Communicating frequently keeps all technical recruiters on the same page and helps to build solid relationships.  Use it to your advantage, as you have the potential to network from these connections.

WARNING: Do not communicate too much.  Inbox clutter and irrelevant phone calls are not efficient as it is a distraction.  Stay on task and communicate when necessary, but if you are busy stay on task!

Staying motivated and recognizing achievements helps IT staffing employees improve their tasks.  Commending work while providing tips for improvement also gives employees an idea of how well they are doing and ignites a drive.  Reach out to your peers if you feel you need additional inspiration or support.

WARNING: Some people cannot handle criticism well, be aware of sensitivity.  A compliment sandwich (providing two compliments with a criticism in between) might ease the initial response.

Follow the Leader
Upper level management within IT recruiting companies should be setting examples.  When you are in doubt about how to respond in a certain situation, follow the discretion of your supervisor.  Plan and organize according to your style.  If you find it is not working for you or there is a more efficient way, make suggestions.

WARNING: A manager might have the work ethic ‘do as I say, not as I do’.  Unfortunately, this is not a rarity with IT recruiting jobsIn this instance, follow the command of your supervisor and be sure to complete your work the CORRECT way.  If your manager involves you in unethical activity or asks you to perform tasks which you do not feel comfortable, reach out to his manager or your with your concerns.  

From laid back to strict management, always carry yourself in a professional manner.  You can adapt to a style of management, it just takes focus and commitment.  For more helpful articles visit AVID’s job seekers page!

The Key to Being Successful in the IT Recruiting Industry

The key to being successful in the IT staffing industry is building a strong relationship with your client. A lot of people think that as an IT recruiter you are just responsible to find candidates to fill the open IT jobs. But how do we as teams get these open jobs? By building strong relationships with our clients.

Key attributes to being well rounded IT Recruiters:

We need to know what the product is. The product is your client. IT recruiters Boston need to get to know the client and the IT job before being able to help them. Technical recruiters need to know the service they client provides, their background and anything else that will help them identify the right candidate. This is an important piece of the IT recruiting firm’s ability to successfully service their client.

Being a good listener is also an important trait for IT recruiters. Thinking you know what your client wants and really knowing what their wants and needs come from listening. As a technical recruiter you need to be able to stand back and just listen and know the right questions to ask to get more information to better be able to understand what the client is looking for in a candidate.

Timely feedback is an important step in the IT recruitment process so everyone is on the same page as to the status of the candidate and assignment. You want to provide your candidates with immediate feedback so nobody is left in the dark.

Don’t promise anything you can’t deliver. It’s important for IT recruiters to land the deal but keeping your credibility is more important. Be honest with people about the standings and not telling them what you think they want to hear might get you further.

Another thing that plays a key role in an IT recruiter is their attitude. Attitude can really make or break someone. Having a bad attitude is not a good thing in the IT recruiting industry. You need to always be positive. You want to be your client’s solution not a problem to them.

To be a successful technical recruiter all of these aforementioned attributes are key, but wanting to be successful is important too. You have to want it and want to work at it every day to really be good at what you do. The IT staffing industry changes all the time and you have to be able to change with it and understand why it is changing the way it is.

Never Burn a Bridge- Leaving in a Tasteful Manner

Looking for new opportunities, tired of the same routine, or seeking better benefits… you know when your time is up at an IT job, on to the next one right?  Sure, but never leave a position empty handed.  Always have recommendations in hand and leave on good terms. Give Notice—and Feedback Never drop a bombshell on an employer or IT recruiters, give at least two weeks notice prior to your departure.  This will allow companies and/or IT staffing firms to find a replacement and transition him into your role.  This is your chance to stand out and prove how well you have mastered tasks by teaching your acquired skills. Having a meeting to explain why you wish to leave your role allows the company or IT recruiting company to see where it needs to improve its strategies and goals.  This meeting also provides you with the opportunity to gain quality feedback on your performance.  When meeting with technical recruiters, explain what you disliked about the position so they can place you in a role that is more geared toward your interests. Finish Strong “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift”- Steve Prefontaine You might feel lazy and wish to do the bare minimum during your remaining time, but fight the urge.  Finish strong and tie any loose ends.  Leave with a lasting impression, as these last few days will be the foundation of your recommendation and determine if your IT staffing agency will use you for upcoming placements.  If there is an unresolved issue, fix it before your replacement takes on your role, it eases the frustrations on both ends.  Be sure to introduce your replacement to your partners so they understand each other’s roles and how to communicate with one another. Stay on Good Terms—Connected and Recommended Treat all coworkers from the past as if they are still in the next cubicle over.  If you have not already, network with your IT recruiters Boston, co-workers, and managers on Linkedin.  You never know when you are applying to a new position who could be the hiring manager and if you share connections.  Your daily water cooler talk could be the lead way in transitioning your career. Speaking ill of previous experiences puts you on a pedestal of negativity.  Do not be tempted to bad mouth an old employer or technical recruiting agency no matter how harshly you were treated or if your expectations were not met.  When you cannot think of anything you enjoyed during your time at the position, speak of the skills you attained and how you wish to use them to advance your career. Be Grateful Your previous employer took you on their team—and payroll.  Be thankful that they allowed you to share this experience by sending a brief thank you note.  Thank your IT staffing representative for their hard work and effort to secure you a position and wish that they keep you in mind for upcoming roles.  If you seemed to have burned a bridge in the process, it might be salvageable.  Admit your faults and, as mentioned before, finish strong.