Do’s & Dont’s of Resume Writing
I’m sure you’ve been given many suggestions from numerous IT recruiting agencies on what (and what not) to put on this essential piece of paper. The truth is, you’re crafting a document for the most important product you’ll ever sell – yourself! Take it from an IT recruiting company who has seen it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
- DO be simple, clear and basic in both content and style. DON’T over format with several varying fonts, styles, colors, and tables. While it’s important for your resume to look sharp, conveying the information is most crucial. Sometimes the showmanship can detract from the message. Unfortunately there’s no font special enough to make up for lack of skill – a hiring manager will cut through the styling in no time. It’s better to leave it out completely because believe it or not, a clean plain resume will resonate more effectively.
- DO be as concise as possible. DON’T allow a congested, wordy resume sell you short. IT Resumes can be lengthy by nature. Listing information technology skill sets combined with the popularity of contract work in this field forces resumes to be extensive. With that said, be succinct. Describe the project or responsibilities in a way that is detailed, but brief. Avoid rambling paragraphs and stick to bullets that are straight to the point.
3. DO edit for spelling, grammar, verb tense and accuracy. DON’T allow a sloppy resume to cloud your talents. Though IT jobs are less likely to be nitpicky about grammar than say – publishing jobs, basic writing skills are important. Your task is to come across as intelligent and professional. Errors in fundamental skills like spelling can be mistaken for carelessness, disorganization, or laziness. In order to put your best foot forward, you must express high-tech expertise along with everyday proficiencies.
4. DO focus and tailor your resume to meet the job criteria. DON’T use one generic resume for varying positions. It’s clear to IT recruiting agencies how much you want the job before you even step foot into their office. Do your homework. Your resume should illustrate why your specific knowledge is beneficial to the position you have applied for. A vague description of your talents does not distinguish you from the competition.
5. DO be 100% honest. DON’T lie, fib or exaggerate. This might be the number one “DO” that should come as obvious, but often times does not. IT staffing firms do their research and will discover any inconsistencies in the information you provide. Lying about experience, skill sets, dates, etc. will ruin your chances of being submitted for a job. Don’t do it. Period.
Some IT staffing agencies like AVID Technical Resources will actually re-format your resume to put these suggestions into action. Save IT recruiters some time and stick to these commandments, we assure you it will make the difference in the long run.