Weak Economy? Find the Silver-Lining
There is no doubt we are fighting through one of the worst recessions in our nation’s history. However, even amid the financial crisis, there are silver-linings. You just need to find them.
The recent economic downturn might provide you with the opportunity to purchase a home with very affordable mortgage rates. It might give you leverage when negotiating an apartment rental or purchase of a vehicle. It could give you a chance to scoop up stocks or mutual funds at virtually bottom prices. Or, it could simply make you stop and appreciate the little things in life.
At AVID Technical Resources (www.avidtr.com), our philosophy is simple. We can’t control the economy. We can’t control Wall Street. We can’t control when the recession will end or when the turn-around will begin. What we can control is our own work ethic. Therefore, through sheer hard work, we have found the silver lining in this tough economy. By simply working as hard as we ever have, we’re building relationships. We’re also taking business from our competitors, who have either left the IT staffing industry or took their foot off the gas. In both cases, we’re using this downturn to set ourselves up for future success.
In any event, there is usually a silver lining in every situation. You just need to find it.
AVID (Applications, Voice, Internet, Data) Technical Resources is a leading Information Technology recruiting company. Specializing in placing contract and permanent personnel in both Infrastructure Support and Applications Development positions, AVID has a national presence supporting clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies.
Headquartered in Boston, MA, AVID has achieved tremendous growth since the firm's inception in 2003. This has triggered numerous national awards and recognition, such as being named to Inc. 500 Magazine's list of 5,000 Fastest Growing Privately-held Companies in the US in 2010, 2011 and 2013. Additionally, the firm boasts of having more than 100 five-star reviews on Google from clients and candidates who rave about their experience and interaction with the firm's recruiters.
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